WeFight sought to enhance user engagement and drive conversions from their website to their app. Recognizing the challenges posed by high bounce rates and not effective calls-to-action (CTAs) on their website, they approached us for a solution.
Recognizing the potential, we proposed a partial redesign strategy, optimizing some of the web pages and enhancing user understanding, transforming their website into an effective client conversion tool.
Product UX discovery, Website redesign, Web design, Metrics improvement.
An innovative design solution emerged in the form of a disease-related quiz integrated into the articles. This interactive feature acted as a compelling lead magnet, seamlessly guiding visitors through the sales and marketing funnel. Multiple quiz options were tailored to different user segments, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.
We adapt our design process to each client, avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach. We dig into what the client wants and needs, creating a streamlined plan just for them. This is our approch to design for WeFight:
We engaged with key stakeholders at WeFight, understanding their needs and challenges, setting the stage for our design approach.
We investigated user behavior and best practices to optimize for conversions and enhance trust in user applications.
We redesigned articles for improved layout, navigation, and engaging content, staying true to WeFight's mission.
We integrated interactive quizzes seamlessly into the platform to engage users and generate leads effectively.
Through iterative mockups and prototypes, we refined the design, elevating the user experience and driving conversions.
Merge's collaboration with WeFight successfully achieved key objectives: heightened conversions and enhanced online visibility. Through a strategic website redesign, we not only increased conversion rates but also prioritized an interactive user experience, in line with WeFight's vision.
Our dedication to innovative, user-centric design stands as a testament to empowering clients, fostering digital success, and forging stronger connections with their audience.
Elizabet Hyliuk — Head of Design Volodymyr Myronets — Project Lead Designer Oksana Kosandiak — UI/UX Designer Khrystyna Mytsak — Graphic & Motion Designer