Custom professional website redesign services

Your design driving away customers? Our website redesign services will change that

For many customers, your website is often the first point of contact with your company. Don't let an outdated or uncomfortable site stand in the way. At Merge, we redesign websites to be modern, functional, and tailored to your brand. More traffic, better leads, and a design that works.

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Why does your website might need a redesign?

Your website should make you stand out. If it feels old or doesn't truly show what your brand is about, you might be losing a competitive advantage. Our redesign services go beyond just looks; we focus on making your online space both modern and a clear reflection of what you offer, drawing in customers and making their experience better.

How to Do a Website UX Audit Guide

Evaluate the quality and usability of your website’s UX and UI design by performing a comprehensive UX audit. Our complete, up-to-date guide and checklist will show you how.

In-depth UX audit manual

UX audit checklist

Your website's assessment

Step-by-step instructions

How to Do a Website UX Audit Guide

What you can get

Our comprehensive set of website redesign services ensures that your online presence aligns with your ambitions and goals.

Our approach

With our systematic approach, Merge guarantees a redesigned website that will boost your online presence and business growth.


Alignment. We start by understanding your business goals and vision. This foundation ensures our redesign perfectly aligns with your aspirations.


Discovery. Our team meticulously analyzes your existing website. We pinpoint challenges and identify areas of optimization to inform our design decisions.


Redesign process. Armed with insights, our team crafts a modern, conversion-focused design. We prioritize open communication, valuing your input.


Delivery. After refining based on feedback, we finalize the design. We ensure the end result is both visually compelling and functionally seamless.

Who can benefit from website redesign services?

  • A brand in transition or an aging website. Ensure your online presence mirrors your evolving identity and stays fresh, making your business always feel relevant and inviting.
  • A growing startup. As you expand your offerings and reach, your website should evolve alongside you.
  • A lack of user conversions. Redesigning with a focus on user navigation and clear calls-to-action can aid in enhancing conversions.

Why choose Merge for website redesign?

Expertise in modern website design

Expertise in modern website design

Your website is an extension of your business. We are well-versed in current design practices and understand the dynamics of modern aesthetics and functionality.

Evidence-based design choices

Evidence-based design choices

Our design decisions are backed by thorough user research. We ensure your website aligns with the expectations and needs of your target audience.

Conversion-focused approach

Conversion-focused approach

Understanding the value of leads and conversions, our redesigns are specifically targeting and addressing bottlenecks, ensuring improved conversion rates.

User-centric vision

User-centric vision

We don't just redesign; we reimagine user journeys. Prioritizing user experience ensures that visitors on your website transform into loyal customers.

Transparent workflows

Transparent workflows

Trust and transparency are our keystones. Regular check-ins ensure you’re always in sync with the progress and direction of the redesign.

Streamlined design efficiency

Streamlined design efficiency

By implementing a cohesive design system, we ensure future-ready scalability. Our specialized templates for CMS pages optimize content handling, maintaining brand integrity.

Our website redesign experiemce

Experience speaks louder than words. Come take a look at our previous product redesign cases at Merge.



Alta, Southeast Asia's alternative investment titan, had a website that didn't match its stature. Merge intervened with a redesign that focused on a responsive, contemporary design. Through diligent analysis and Webflow's capabilities, Alta's website transformed into a streamlined, mobile-friendly platform.

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Oleria's software solutions provider expertise wasn't reflected in their website. Merge's collaboration brought modern dynamism to Oleria's online space. With a blend of fresh animations and a renewed layout, Oleria's redesigned website became an engaging, optimized experience for its users.

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RelayPay is a bridge between traditional and digital finance. They were grappling with the complexities of cryptocurrency and its acceptance by merchants. Merge stepped in to redesign a platform that's now sleek, intuitive, and user-centric, turning complexity into accessibility and enhancing RelayPay's online presence.

View case study


How to Do a Website UX Audit Guide

Evaluate the quality and usability of your website’s UX and UI design by performing a comprehensive UX audit. Our complete, up-to-date guide and checklist will show you how.

In-depth UX audit manual

UX audit checklist

Your website's assessment

Step-by-step instructions

How to Do a Website UX Audit Guide

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Efficient product design for SaaS and Fintech

Why choose Merge for your product design:

Building world-class product interfaces

Partnership & collaboration culture

Your conversions & growth is our main focus

Reliable delivery built on experience

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