AI and UX. GenAI trends

AI and UX. GenAI trends

AI technologies are changing the field of UX design faster than anyone had anticipated. New AI tools like language models, natural language processing, computer vision, and generative adversarial networks are currently transforming how we design and use digital products.

These tools enable smarter, more personalized interactions with users, make voice interfaces more common and easier to use, and could lead to virtual/augmented reality becoming the future of how we interact with digital products.

The Role of AI in UX and Design

In digital experience, AI uses machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns. This helps understand consumer behavior better and provide personalized solutions.

First and foremost, AI helps companies deliver more personalized experiences.

For example, McKinsey report recalls one cruise line analyzed passenger data to see which activities and foods were most popular at different times. They used AI on security camera feeds to identify inefficiencies in ship layouts. This shows how AI can gather insights to improve user experiences. Designers now have powerful AI-assisted tools to streamline their workflows. Adobe Sensei, for instance, uses machine learning to automate tasks like image recognition, color matching, and font selection. Some use Uizard for converting sketches into coded UIs and UserTesting for pairing companies with target users. There’s also Framer for predictive design solutions based on user patterns.

How is AI Being Used in the Product Design Process

AI is also used extensively in the product design process:

  • Research. AI tools easily collect and analyze large amounts of user data from various sources. Pattern recognition through machine learning can identify insights in just days instead of weeks. Optical character recognition automates analyzing written user feedback.
  • Visual design. Tasks like image resizing and color correction that were labor-intensive can now be automated through AI, speeding up the design process and reducing errors. Some tools like Adobe Stitch can automatically stitch together images.
  • Solution ideation. AI deeply analyzes customer data to enable personalization according to needs. Advanced customization is possible by accessing vast user data sources. Tools can recommend the best experience for each individual.
  • Design process. AI automates design pipelines so designers can focus solely on aesthetics without technical limitations. Models can generate new design variations after training on sample datasets.

Benefits of Using AI in UX and Product Design

AI boosts UX and product design by improving quality, productivity, efficiency, and insights. It streamlines traditional design processes, reducing time spent on repetitive tasks such as data analysis and minor design modifications.

  1. AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up designers' time so they can focus on more creative and innovative work. Productivity is improved because designers can now produce more design concepts and iterate faster.
  2. AI also boosts creative output. It provides tools to visualize ideas instantly rather than spending days manually creating designs.
  3. Product and UX designers analyze vast user data through testing. However, the volume of data can hinder the design process, especially in data-heavy fields like e-commerce. AI can efficiently gather and analyze large datasets, detecting patterns and revealing optimization opportunities that may be missed by humans.
  4. Cost savings is another major advantage. By automating tasks and streamlining processes, companies can reduce labor expenses over time.
  5. AI also minimizes errors, improving quality and cutting development costs from rework. Faster prototyping enabled by AI means products reach users more quickly.


Although AI can greatly improve the user experience and product design, it also brings challenges that designers need to carefully consider:

  • Trust issues can hinder AI adoption due to concerns about accuracy, reliability, and transparency, especially in areas like healthcare and finance. Clear communication about data sources and model explanations, using simple language and confidence metrics, can enhance trust. According to a Pew Research study, transparency is key for 60% of users to trust AI systems.
  • Privacy is a major challenge in AI due to the necessity of large personal data, which can risk breaches or misuse if not managed well. An IBM survey reported that over 80% of users prioritized privacy and security. As a rule, designers should obtain consent, encrypt data, and collect only essential information. Don’t forget the compliance with regulations such as GDPR.
  • AI bias can amplify real-world prejudices, as seen in facial recognition tools' lower accuracy for darker skin tones and chatbots reflecting biases from their training data. To combat this, designers should use diverse datasets and regularly check algorithms for fairness.

The worry is that AI may replace, not support, human designers. Despite AI's ability to manage repetitive tasks, it cannot rival human creativity. Designers should use AI to supplement their work, retaining human involvement to encourage innovation.

Exposure to Automation by AI
Exposure to Automation by AI

The rise of generative artificial intelligence presents both challenges and significant opportunities for organizations to enhance their user experience. Research from McKinsey estimates that gen AI could add $2.6-$4.4 trillion annually to the global economy while boosting the overall impact of AI by 15-40%. Within technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT), gen AI use cases alone may unlock $380 billion-$690 billion in value.

Gen AI impact
Gen AI impact

Some companies already use gen AI at a large scale. But many are still testing it or deciding how. To stay competitive, leaders must understand gen AI's possibilities and plan how to use it well. This means changing how companies approach AI development and use over time.

Over 100 Gen AI applications can benefit the tech, media, and telecom sectors, particularly in customer service, sales, and marketing. Gen AI can:

  • Personalize campaigns, improve sales, and expedite market launches, potentially increasing revenue by 3-5%;
  • In customer service, it could boost agent productivity by 30-45% and enhance customer satisfaction;
  • Automating 70% of repetitive tasks and improving knowledge-sharing could increase software developer productivity by 20-45%.

Over the past year, there have been major advancements in general artificial intelligence capabilities. As we look ahead to 2024, here are some key AI trends that are likely to have a significant impact:

  1. AI will be able to understand different types of data like text, images, audio, and code all at the same time. This will allow it to do much more, like generate different kinds of content.
  2. AI systems will start interacting directly with real business systems and information. They will be able to easily add and remove data to help automate tasks. This could enhance customer service workflows, for example.
  3. More people will be able to develop AI, even without being experts. Tools will have simple, low-code/no-code interfaces. Platforms and marketplaces will let users build their own AI apps and find new ways to apply AI.
  4. AI will become more affordable. Claude token prices are 10x cheaper than GPT
  5. Ensuring AI behaves consistently and predictably will be a priority. Advances like "AI seeds" will provide more stable outputs even from probabilistic models.
  6. AI will become a platform with many interconnected tools, utilities, and marketplaces instead of individual apps. Companies can leverage platforms to innovate and differentiate themselves.

To get the most value in 2024, businesses need clear AI strategies and priorities. They should reimagine entire work areas instead of isolated uses. Deploying engineered products rather than just tests will also be important.

What Will the New Customer Experience Look Like?

The way companies interact with customers is changing fast because of new AI technology. A concept called "Experience 3.0" is emerging, where AI will help support customers every step of the way.

Key findings:

  • In Experience 3.0, customers will value support from AI assistants the most.
  • AI can now communicate naturally in a language like people. This allows it to really help customers as a support person would.
  • The experience will focus on AI consistently helping customers at each touchpoint, not leaving them on their own. AI skills will grow over time to solve more issues.
  • Early examples show AI providing some help but not everything yet. A fully developed 3.0 experience means AI assistance from start to finish.

In the ideal future experience, an AI assistant will smoothly guide customers from the beginning to the end of their journey. For example, planning a trip could involve AI booking flights, navigating the airport, recommending activities, fixing any problems, and sharing photos after. The goal is seamless, start-to-finish assistance versus AI helping at some points but not others.

AI ultimately presents opportunities to rethink how companies and customers interact. Experience 3.0 centers on consistent AI support in place of separate apps. If done right, customers may enjoy seamless, personalized assistance from the start to the end of their journey.


Judging by all the current trends, we need to be ready to learn and use new AI technologies if we want to keep our products up-to-date and stay relevant. However, the core principles of good UX design – user-focused, accessible, usable, and consistent – will still be important no matter what technology is used. While the methods may change with AI, understanding human nature and behavior will still be key to designing the best user experiences.

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3. AR/VR and UX