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Choosing between a dedicated development team and an in-house team

Each path offers unique opportunities. Our team aims to provide you with a comprehensive analysis of these benefits, helping you make a well-informed decision.

6 July, 2023
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The choice between a dedicated development team and an in-house team is a critical crossroad in your software development journey. Each path offers unique opportunities. Our team aims to provide you with a comprehensive analysis of these benefits, helping you make a well-informed decision.

Dedicated development teams offer unmatched cost savings, greater flexibility, scalability, zero staff churn, and faster time to market. On the other hand, in-house teams provide time savings, proximity to your business operations, and a cohesive culture that aligns with your vision.

Next, we'll compare a dedicated team vs. staff augmentation, assessing which approach best suits your needs and objectives. Be sure to also check out our latest blog on optimizing the performance of React applications to ensure seamless user experiences and efficient functionality.

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What is a dedicated development team?

Dedicated development teams are groups of professionals specifically assembled to work exclusively on a particular project or set of projects for a client. This concept emerged as a response to the growing complexity and diversity of software development projects.

The traditional model of hiring developers individually and forming ad-hoc teams can sometimes be inefficient and lack the necessary expertise for particular projects. Dedicated development teams offer more focused, specialized, and collaborative approaches to software development.

These teams are typically formed by outsourcing companies or specialized agencies with a pool of skilled professionals in various domains. They are dedicated solely to the client's project, working closely with the client to ensure a deep understanding of requirements, priorities, and goals.

What is an in-house team?

An in-house development team refers to a group of software developers and professionals directly employed by a company to work on its internal software projects. In-house teams operate within the company's premises and are fully integrated into the organization's structure and culture.

The team members are full-time employees who work exclusively on the company's projects and have closer proximity to other departments and stakeholders. They have direct access to the company's technical infrastructure, tools, and resources and foster more interpersonal relationships.

Dedicated vs in-house team
Dedicated vs in-house team

Advantages of dedicated teams

Compared to standard development teams, dedicated teams offer several distinct advantages.

Cost savings in software development

Hiring a dedicated team can result in substantial financial benefits compared to traditional hiring models. Here's how it saves money:

  • You eliminate overhead expenses associated with in-house employees, such as office space, equipment, utilities, employee benefits, infrastructure costs, etc.
  • Dedicated teams offer flexible engagement models, allowing more optimal resource utilization.
  • Some dedicated teams often operate in regions with lower labor costs. You also eliminate the need for costly recruitment processes and relocation expenses.
  • Dedicated teams operate as self-managed units with streamlined communication channels. This reduces the need for extensive project management oversight, which can save costs associated with additional managerial resources.
  • Building an in-house team requires significant investment in recruitment efforts, including advertising, screening, interviewing, and onboarding. Here, you avoid these expenses as the team is already assembled and ready to start working on the project.

Greater flexibility

The benefit of flexibility manifests in several ways. First, such teams are already assembled and ready to start working on the project. This eliminates the time-consuming process of recruiting and onboarding new employees, allowing you to ramp up your project quickly.

Second, dedicated teams often employ adaptive project management approaches like Scrum or Kanban. These methodologies prioritize flexibility, allowing for incremental development, regular feedback loops, and the ability to reprioritize tasks based on changing requirements.

This adaptive project management style ensures the team can respond quickly to your evolving project needs and make necessary adjustments without disrupting the overall development process.


Dedicated teams also offer the option to scale resources up or down more efficiently based on project requirements. You can easily adjust the team size, add or remove members, and allocate resources as needed.

This scalability allows for efficient resource utilization, ensuring the team can adapt to changing project demands without unnecessary delays or overstaffing.

Since dedicated teams are adaptable, you can respond more swiftly to market demands. If there's a sudden surge in customer requirements or a need for a rapid product update, the team can quickly scale up to meet the demand, ensuring timely delivery and customer satisfaction.

No staff churn

The absence of staff churn refers to the stability and continuity of team members working on the project over an extended period. This way, you can retain valuable knowledge and expertise within the team. Team members stay committed to your project from start to finish, allowing them to develop a deep understanding of its intricacies, requirements, and challenges.

No staff churn also ensures consistent collaboration and effective teamwork. Team members build strong working relationships and trust over time and ensure project continuity without disruptions caused by team member turnovers. And, as they work on the project for its entire duration, they better understand its history, milestones, and context.

Faster time to market

Dedicated development teams offer faster time to market by optimizing the product development process. With focused attention on the project, efficient communication, and specialized expertise, they expedite the delivery of software solutions.

These teams allocate resources effectively, utilize agile methodologies, and maintain streamlined communication channels to accelerate development cycles. Their specialized skills and experience enable rapid problem-solving and efficient decision-making, reducing development time.

Access to a wide range of skills

Dedicated teams bring together individuals with specialized skills across different areas of software development, such as front-end and back-end development, UI/UX design, quality assurance, database management, and more.

They often have experience working with various technologies, frameworks, and programming languages. Depending on the project's industry or niche, dedicated teams can also provide valuable domain-specific knowledge. And, as a bonus, the flexibility to adjust the team's skill composition according to project needs.


Advantages of in-house teams

The “classic” in-house teams still remain a good choice. Here’s why.

Time savings

Having an in-house team can save valuable time in several ways. First, there is no need to go through the recruitment and hiring process, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. The team is already in place and familiar with the company's operations.

Second, communication is often more direct and immediate within an in-house team, as team members are physically present and can quickly address any issues or concerns. This efficient communication leads to faster decision-making and problem-solving, reducing project timelines.

Proximity to your business

In-house teams are physically located within the same premises as the company. This proximity allows for closer collaboration and seamless integration with other departments. Team members can have regular face-to-face interactions with stakeholders, executives, and other teams, fostering better understanding, alignment, and coordination.

Proximity also facilitates quick access to resources, knowledge, and support within the organization, enabling efficient information sharing and reducing dependency on external parties.

Cohesive business culture

In-house teams contribute to the development and maintenance of a cohesive business culture. Team members share a common vision, values, and work environment.

They understand the company's mission, goals, and objectives slightly differently than a dedicated team, leading to a stronger sense of belonging and commitment. This shared culture promotes effective collaboration, trust, and teamwork, enhancing productivity and overall team performance.

Additionally, in-house teams can align their work practices, methodologies, and processes with the specific needs and culture of the organization, ensuring seamless integration and smooth operations.

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Consider your options

In conclusion, when choosing between a dedicated development team and an in-house team, assess your needs and priorities first. Both options offer distinct advantages.

Dedicated development teams bring expertise, scalability, cost savings, flexibility, faster time to market, and access to a wide range of skills. They are particularly suitable if you seek specialized knowledge, rapid project execution, and the ability to adapt to changing requirements.

In-house teams can offer you time savings, proximity to your business, and a cohesive business culture. They are ideal if you prioritize direct control, seamless collaboration, and maintaining a solid internal team dynamic.

Ultimately, the decision depends on project complexity, timeline, budget, and long-term strategic goals. You may also find value in a hybrid approach, combining both options to leverage the benefits of dedicated expertise while nurturing an internal team.

Besides, no need to look far. Merge offers dedicated teams as well. Just tell us who you need.

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My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

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