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How to build a no-code MVP in 2024?

Building a no-code MVP is a practical and efficient route for entrepreneurs eager to quickly test and develop their ideas.

31 January, 2024
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Would you like to have something that will get you to market the fastest for much-needed validation? That something is no-code. More specifically, in this case, it is a no-code MVP.

It's a significant presumption to consider your Minimum Viable Product as immediately marketable, which is often not true. Typically, there are numerous iterations, and the final product may differ substantially from the initial MVP. 

A low-code platform can facilitate maximum learning with minimal resources, enabling rapid progress. Ultimately, the primary objective is to achieve product-market fit, which is the most crucial aspect at this stage. 

As a professional product agency, we’d like to guide you through the process of a quick no-code MVP creation in 2024 using our knowledge and experience. Enjoy, and don’t hesitate to reach out!

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The shift to no-code for MVP development

The shift from traditional development to no-code solutions for building MVPs and standard digital products has been significant in recent years. No-code platforms offer a way to create software applications using graphical user interfaces and configuration, bypassing the need for traditional programming. 

This approach democratizes technology creation, with app development accessible to a broader audience, including entrepreneurs without technical backgrounds.

The rise of no-code platforms has been particularly impactful in the startup world. The ability to quickly bring ideas to market is crucial, and MVPs are excellent in this process. Overall, the no-code movement is gaining momentum, and its future seems promising. 

Viability check and market research

The first step in the viability assessment is to clearly understand the problem you're solving. Conduct market research to gauge the demand for your solution. This can involve surveys, interviews, or studying market reports. Define who your product is for. 

Next, create personas to represent your ideal customers. Understand their pain points, behaviors, and preferences. This goes for all viability assessments, not just in the no-code context. Finally, look into existing solutions. Understand their strengths and weaknesses. This helps in identifying gaps your product can fill.

The next thing is to evaluate if the no-code platforms available can effectively address your target audience's needs. Consider their limitations and scalability, then assess the cost of developing the MVP using no-code tools versus the potential market opportunity. No-code tools are nice in a way that they often reduce upfront costs and development time.

However, it’s worth mentioning that, while no-code platforms do simplify the development process, they often come with their own set of challenges that can be tricky for beginners to navigate. Our team knows how to deal with them to make sure your MVP is not just built but built right.


Selecting no-code tools

Here’s our overview of the best and most popular no-code tools for MVP development. To match the right tool to your specific MVP requirements, decide on what you need - a responsive website or a single-page site, a mobile application, workflow automation, an online store, etc.

  1. Webflow. One of our favorites, Webflow, is ideal for startups eager to construct responsive, aesthetically pleasing websites while maintaining complete control over design aspects.
  2. Wix. This platform is ideal for startups desiring a straightforward approach to creating sleek, professional websites, and it has many e-commerce and online booking features, ensuring a comprehensive web presence.
  3. Airtable. Perfect for startups needing advanced data management and collaborative tools.
  4. Shopify. Provides an all-encompassing, user-friendly environment for establishing a detailed online store with lots of customization features.
  5. Adalo. A user-friendly platform that allows the creation of aesthetically pleasing and functionally rich mobile applications without coding.
  6. Glide. Ideal for startups aiming to transform spreadsheets into engaging apps, it offers a seamless way to develop data-centric applications that are both simple and effective.
  7. Carrd. Focused on single-page websites, Carrd is the preferred choice for startups that require a quick, responsive, and visually attractive one-page site.
  8. Bubble. Facilitates the development of intricate and scalable web applications. Its easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, coupled with an extensive feature set, makes it a top pick for startups wanting to create detailed, interactive MVPs.
  9. Zapier. Excelling in workflow automation and app integration, Zapier is crucial for MVPs that demand fluid integration across various online services and platforms.
  10. Makerpad. Although not a no-code tool in itself, Makerpad offers essential resources, tutorials, and community support, serving as a vital asset for anyone building no-code MVPs.

While these tools are powerful, selecting the appropriate one and using it to its full potential can be overwhelming. If you want, we can see to you making an informed decision.

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Building the no-code MVP

Creating a cohesive and functional MVP is more complex than it might seem. We’ll guide you through the basics, and if you need more guidance, we have that covered too.

Once you've picked an appropriate no-code automation tool, start by assembling a preliminary version that outlines your MVP’s basic structure and workflow. Use the tool's graphical interface and features to shape the primary screens and interactions. 

This initial version will act as a foundational guide for your MVP's development, offering a visual depiction of your product's fundamental features and the user experience it aims to deliver.

Chart your user's journey through your entire product. From their first encounter to achieving their goals, understanding each step is crucial. This process not only clarifies the user experience, making it smooth and intuitive but also highlights the essential features your product needs. 

Prioritizing features

Next, brainstorm to find innovative solutions that best match your audience's needs. Later, assess these ideas for their practicality and potential to enhance the user experience. 

Focus on incorporating fundamental features that directly tackle the problem you're addressing and provide value to your intended audience. Filter your features into four categories:

Feature prioritization
Feature prioritization

Use tools like Airtable or Trello for organization and tracking. This structured approach not only helps in defining your MVP's scope but also in prioritizing immediate features while keeping potential future upgrades in view.

Design and iterations

Utilize the capabilities and integrations your no-code tool offers to expedite the development process and augment your MVP's functionality. Employ ready-made components, templates, and automation tools to conserve time and effort. 

For wireframing and prototyping, use Figma, Canva, or Balsamiq. Exploring various prototype forms (animations, mockups, paper prototyping) to best represent your MVP. Remember to test and refine the user journey along the way.

Consider integrating your application with external tools and APIs. For example, linking your app to a CRM system can offer substantial benefits. Such integration allows for automatic synchronization of data, like updating a quote's status in the CRM when it's dispatched from the app. 

This not only enhances workflow efficiency but also eliminates the need for manual data entry. Additionally, incorporating your app with communication channels like Slack, email, SMS, or calendars, facilitates sending timely notifications to users for certain events.

No-code API. You can also simplify data access by connecting your no-code development platforms with databases via an API. For instance, in an inventory management app, scanning a barcode and retrieving product information through an integration with the company's internal API is possible, while integrating with OpenAI will unlock some advanced AI-driven functionalities.

P.S. Great news for those of you diving into no-code development. We are soon releasing an e-book packed with practical insights for those who want to improve their internal operations using no-code tools. It will give you the knowledge to tackle and find solutions for automating and scaling your business more efficiently than before. 

Keep an eye out for our e-book launch and be one of the first to grab these insights. Stay tuned!


Launching your no-code MVP

Begin by introducing your no-code MVP to its intended users. Make it easily available for them and pay attention to the feedback and insights gained from actual usage. Utilize marketing techniques and channels to spread awareness and encourage early adoption.

Keep adding new features or improvements, assess their impact using user feedback and analytics, and use these insights to plan future developments.

Gather and analyze feedback

Next, invite your users to share their experiences with your no-code MVP. Analyze this feedback carefully to understand where improvements are needed, to pinpoint challenges, and to confirm if your product meets its intended purpose. Use both analytics tools and surveys to obtain a balanced view of user opinions and experiences.


Utilize the insights gained from user feedback to make necessary updates and enhancements to your no-code MVP. Focus on changes that have the most significant impact, addressing user needs and resolving any issues identified. This process is key to refining and improving your MVP based on actual user experiences.

Optimize the MVP

A/B testing and other experimental methods will fine-tune your no-code MVP. By creating and comparing different versions of your MVP to various audience segments, you can identify which elements work best in terms of user engagement, conversion rates, and other key metrics.

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Measure success with KPIs

Success measurement for your no-code MVP involves monitoring various KPIs to gain insights into its performance. These include:

  • Client feedback. Measure client satisfaction based on their feedback.
  • Engagement metrics. Look at user interaction, time spent, and overall satisfaction.
  • Sign-up rates. Track the number of new user sign-ups.
  • Word of mouth. Keep an eye on referrals and organic growth through user recommendations. Active user percentage. Monitor how many users are actively engaging with your MVP.
  • Client acquisition cost (CAC). Assess the cost-effectiveness of your marketing strategies.
  • Paying user base. Keep track of the number of users converting to paying customers.
  • Client lifetime value (CLV). Evaluate the long-term financial benefit each customer brings.
  • Churn rate. Monitor the rate at which users stop using your MVP.

Set specific goals and benchmarks for each KPI to effectively track progress, identify improvement areas, and make informed decisions to enhance your MVP’s performance and reach your desired objectives.


In summary, the journey of building a no-code MVP is a practical and efficient route for entrepreneurs eager to quickly test and develop their ideas. No-code platforms strip away the complexities of traditional coding, allowing a more diverse group of creators to bring their visions to life with less time and financial investment. 

By understanding your audience, choosing the right no-code tools, and focusing on core features, you can create a product that truly meets user demands. The iterative process, fueled by real user feedback, is key to refining your MVP. 

In essence, no-code platforms are a game-changer, making product development more accessible and responsive. Reach out to our team if you want a no-code MVP that will validate your idea without breaking the bank.

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CEO and Founder of Merge

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

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