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How to build a Telegram mini app – your Telegram mini apps guide

Would you like to integrate your services directly within Telegram and use that multiple hundred million audience that the app has?

3 October, 2024
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Would you like to integrate your services directly within Telegram and use that multiple hundred million audience that the app has? Then you need a Telegram mini app. Luckily, you have come to the right place since we know how to build best Telegram mini apps.

This Telegram mini apps guide explores everything you need to know about Telegram Mini Apps, including what they are, their advantages, use cases, and a detailed roadmap to developing your own mini app to boost your business profits. 

What are Telegram mini apps?

Telegram Mini Apps are web applications that run within the Telegram messenger. They are created using standard web technologies that developers use for websites - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as Telegram Bot API.

Since TMAs are launched right inside Telegram, they can straight away offer a more consistent user experience thanks to the familiarity users have with the platform itself. 

One of the best things about Telegram Mini Apps is that they can also use many of Telegram's features, such as easy login, payments, and notifications. This makes it easy to create useful and fun apps.


Benefits of Telegram mini apps

First of all, think of user acquisition. Getting new users for your app can be tough, but Telegram Mini Apps make it easier. Since users are already comfortable with Telegram, they're more likely to try out your app. 

Plus, the design of Telegram Mini Apps encourages users to discover and try new apps, which can help your app grow in popularity.

Telegram Mini Apps can also do a lot of different things, like play games, share content, and help with productivity. They have features like pop-ups, navigation buttons, and vibrations, which make them feel more like native apps.

Apart from that, here are some more reasons to build Telegram mini apps now:

  • Monetization. Telegram mini apps can make you money through in-app purchases, subscription models, or advertising, providing developers with a range of revenue streams.
  • A huge audience. Telegram has over 950 million users, and you can reach them all with just a few clicks.
  • Web3 readiness. Using the TON Connect SDK, Telegram Mini Apps are Web3 ready, so you have smoother communication between wallets and apps.
  • They work on any device. Telegram mini apps work on Android, iOS, PC, Mac, and Linux devices, so you don't have to worry about compatibility.
  • Create interactive experiences. You can use Telegram bots to create interactive experiences, like games or quizzes, that respond to user input.

Telegram mini apps examples

Before we move onto the Telegram mini apps guide, check out some popular use cases of Telegram mini apps:

  1. Sell products. You can integrate your online store with Telegram, so users can buy things directly in the app.
  2. Offer financial services. Banks and fintech companies can offer mini apps for balance inquiries, fund transfers, and transaction histories.
  3. Provide customer support. You can use Telegram Mini Apps to provide instant support, and answer frequently asked questions.
  4. Book services and amenities. You can create an app that lets users book flights, hotels, and restaurants directly in the app.
  5. Teach new skills. You can create interactive lessons and courses that teach users new skills.
  6. Entertain users. You can create games, quizzes, and other interactive experiences that are fun and engaging.

Based on that, a few examples of mini-applications:

  • Wallet lets you store, send, and exchange crypto assets inside Telegram.
  • There’s a Telegram mini app for creating personalized sticker packs called StickerWiz.
  • ChessNowBot will have you playing chess live with other Telegram users.
  • A one-time password generator TeleOTP.
  • Flashcard app MemoCard for improving memory with spaced repetition.
  • Notepher  - a note-taking app synced with the Telegram cloud.
  • A mini app for WooCommerce named MiniWoo.
  • PaintBot lets you create small hand-drawn images with other people.
  • With Tribute, you can monetize content through donations and subscriptions.

Telegram mini apps guide: how to develop

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating a Telegram Mini App from scratch. Don't worry if you're new to it - we'll break it down into manageable steps and provide tips and encouragement along the way.


Step 1: Define what you need out of it

Before you start building, take some time to think about what you want to achieve with your mini app. Write down your goals and objectives to help you stay focused throughout the development process. Research to see if your idea is unique or how it can be improved,  then look at other apps to learn what works well.

To get started, ask yourself:

  1. Who is going to use my app?
  2. What are the needs and preferences of my audience?
  3. What is different about my mini app that others don’t have?

Step 2: Plan features

With your idea in place, think about how your app will work. Write down what your app must have to meet users' needs, then sketch the user journey. 

Think about what happens when they tap a button. Remember that good planning makes building your app smoother and helps prevent issues later.


- Prioritize features that offer the most benefit.

- Keep the design clean, so it's easy to use.

Step 3: Learn how Telegram's Bot API and web apps work

To build a successful Telegram Mini App, you need to understand how Telegram works. That means starting with two things - Telegram mini apps API and web apps work. 

The former lets you create bots that interact with users via messages, and the latter allow you to run web-based apps inside Telegram chats. 

So, be sure to check out the official Telegram Bot API documentation and explore sample bots and mini apps.

Step 4: Development environment

Now, it's time to choose the right development tools and platforms. You'll need to decide on a programming language, framework, and database. The right setup makes coding easier and helps avoid technical problems.

Some popular choices include:

  1. Python, Node.js, or PHP for programming languages
  2. Flask (Python) or Express (Node.js) for backend development
  3. SQLite or PostgreSQL for databases

Step 5: Create your bot

For the next step, you'll need to contact @BotFather and follow the instructions. This is Telegram's bot for creating new bots. It'll give you an API token. Then, give your bot a name and username. You can also add a profile picture.

Some tips to keep in mind:

  • Choose a memorable and relevant bot username.
  • Keep your API token private and never share it publicly.

Step 6: Backend logic

Now, you'll create the logic that makes your app work since the backend is what makes your app functional and interactive:

  1. Write code for how your bot responds to messages.
  2. Handle messages and make sure your bot understands and replies appropriately.
  3. If your app needs to remember information, set up a database like SQLite.


  • Include ways to handle errors gracefully.
  • Keep your code organized for easier updates later.

Step 7: Frontend interface

The frontend interface is what users will see when they interact with your mini app. So, first off, design your app to work well on phones and tablets. 

Use buttons and menus to make it easy to use. Frameworks like React will then help create a dynamic interface.


  • Make sure your app loads quickly.
  • Use consistent colors and styles throughout.

Step 8: Integrate web apps with your bot

You'll now make sure your bot and app work together inside Telegram. Program your bot to send a message that opens your app within Telegram, and then use Telegram's Web App API so your app and bot can share information.

Step 9: Security measures

Don’t forget about security when building your Telegram mini app. Use HTTPS and secure data transmission protocols, and verify user identities where necessary.


  • Regularly update your app to fix any security issues.
  • Use strong passwords and encryption.

Step 10: Testing

Before sharing your app, make sure it works well. Go through your app to see if everything functions correctly, and if you find bugs or errors, correct them. How about also asking others to try your app and tell you what they think? 

Step 11: Deployment

Now it's time to make your app available to users:

  • Choose a place to host your app. Services like Heroku or AWS can host your app online.
  • Move your app from your computer to the hosting service.
  • Prepare your app to work well even if many people use it at once.

Step 12: Promotion

Finally, it's time to promote your mini app. Use social media, Telegram groups, or email to tell people your app is ready. You can also encourage your friends and potential users to try your app. Consider promotions or special features to attract users.



Overall, Telegram Mini Apps will definitely improve on Telegram experience by offering additional functionalities and services while also providing you with an opportunity to create and distribute your applications within the Telegram ecosystem. 

Use our 12-step guide to build and launch your Telegram mini apps, and remember—you don’t have to do it alone. Merge has professional designers and developers who have experience creating successful applications. All you have to do is reach out.

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