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How to prioritize features in MVP design

Focused on delivering the most value with the least effort? In that case, you need to learn techniques that will help you prioritize features.

18 September, 2024
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So, you’re designing an MVP, which means you are focused right now on delivering the most value with the least effort. In that case, you need to learn techniques that will help you prioritize features in MVP design to the best of your ability.

We got your back! Apply the techniques and tips in this guide to boost your MVP's impact while keeping costs and resources in check.


MVP design: why prioritize features?

Think of an MVP UX design and MVP UI design as stripped-down versions of your product with just the essential features. It's the bare bones that you can release to your target market for real-world testing and feedback. 

You basically get that proof of concept that will help you validate your startup idea without burning through time and money on unnecessary bells and whistles. 

Why prioritize features?

Feature prioritization is crucial in MVP design and development. It helps you:

  • Focus on core functionalities that address your target audience's needs
  • Avoid wasting time and resources on non-essential features
  • Minimize costs by excluding unnecessary features
  • Streamline your development process and make informed decisions

Key considerations

Before we move to the best prioritization techniques in MVP design process, here’s what you should remember to keep in mind when prioritizing features:

  1. Understand your business and have a clear goal.
  2. Study successful startups and learn from their strategies.
  3. Involve your clients and product managers in the decision-making process.
  4. Define the scope of your MVP and identify features that fit best with it.
  5. Consider the budget and resources available for MVP development.

Best prioritization techniques in MVP design process

Not all prioritization techniques fit every project, so adapt the methods based on the type of your product, target users, and development resources. 

Below, we explore five prioritization techniques and frameworks for MVP design, analyzing their unique strengths, when to use them, and who benefits the most from each.


1. Feature priority matrix

The feature priority matrix evaluates potential features based on three key dimensions: Effort, Risk, and Impact. It helps teams plot features on a grid, so it’s easy to identify the most valuable ones to pursue first.

This technique is useful for identifying Must-Haves, which are extremely important features with low risk. It also helps to categorize features into Can Be Done, Nice-to-Haves, and A Waste of Time, making it easier to prioritize and eliminate features.

To use the matrix, follow these steps:

  1. Create a table with the following columns: Feature, Effort, Risk, Impact, and Priority
  2. Evaluate each feature based on its effort, risk, and impact, using a scale of 1-5
  3. Calculate the priority score by multiplying the effort, risk, and impact scores
  4. Sort the features by priority score, with the highest score at the top

The feature priority matrix is excellent for MVP design if you have a limited budget or strict deadlines and need to visualize trade-offs between effort and value. It is especially helpful for early-stage startups that need to focus on the essentials but still want to plan for future growth.

2. Relative weighting prioritization

This technique uses a more quantitative approach by evaluating features based on Benefit, Penalty, Cost, and Risk. Each feature is given a score for each criterion, and the total score is used to rank features.

  1. Benefit: What is the potential value or positive outcome of the feature?
  2. Penalty: What happens if this feature is not included?
  3. Cost: How much will it take to implement the feature?
  4. Risk: What is the risk associated with developing or releasing this feature?

First, evaluate each feature based on its benefit, penalty, cost, and risk using a scale of 1-5. Then, calculate the relative weighting score by multiplying the benefit, penalty, cost, and risk scores. Finally, sort the features by relative weighting score, with the highest score at the top.

Relative weighting is ideal for teams working on complex products with many moving parts, such as SaaS products. It helps decision-makers balance various factors like user demand, development cost, and potential risks. 

By the way, you can also use this technique when pitching to stakeholders because you can back up your decisions with numbers.

3. Value vs. cost quadrant

The Value vs. cost quadrant helps product teams visualize feature priorities by plotting them based on their estimated value and implementation cost. The goal is to identify high-value, low-cost features that are the ideal candidates for your MVP.

High-value, low-cost. Prioritize these features. They offer great value with minimal development effort.

High-value, high-cost. These should be considered for later phases, where more resources can be allocated.

Low-value, low-cost. These features can be added if resources allow, but they should not be a priority.

Low-value, high-cost. Generally, these features should be avoided unless they become absolutely necessary.

This technique is ideal for bootstrapped startups or small teams that need to maximize value with limited resources. It is also useful for lean development approaches, where cutting waste is key.

4. The Kano model

The Kano Model focuses on customer satisfaction and is best suited for teams that want to understand which features in their MVP UX design will delight users versus those that merely meet their basic expectations. It classifies features into five categories:

  • Basic. These are expected features. Without them, the product is seen as incomplete.
  • Performance. These features increase satisfaction in proportion to how well they are implemented.
  • Excitement. These are the features that surprise and delight users. They aren't expected, but their inclusion can set a product apart from competitors.
  • Indifferent. Features that don’t add much to user satisfaction but also don't detract from it.
  • Dissatisfaction. Features that, if implemented poorly, can lead to user frustration.

The Kano Model is best for consumer-facing products or apps where customer satisfaction and delight are more important overall. You’ll find it useful if your team is trying to find competitive differentiators in crowded markets.

5. Story mapping

Story Mapping creates a visual narrative of how users interact with your product. It helps teams prioritize features based on how they support the user's journey, ensuring that the MVP delivers a cohesive user experience.

This technique is often used in agile development to keep the focus on delivering user value incrementally rather than overloading the MVP with unrelated features. You can do this MVP design in Figma too.

To use story mapping for MVP design, follow these steps:

  1. Create a visual representation of your product's features using sticky notes or a digital tool
  2. Prioritize the features based on customer needs, using a scale of 1-5
  3. Identify the most critical features that will deliver the most value to customers

This MVP prioritization technique is especially effective for UX-focused teams or projects with a complex user journey, for example, eCommerce platforms or SaaS tools.

Mistakes to avoid in MVP design prioritization process

Not that you’ve learned some techniques, one last step is to check if you’re not making one of the following common mistakes when prioritizing features:

1. Prioritizing features based on personal opinions. Avoid prioritizing features based on personal opinions or biases.

2. Not involving stakeholders. Failing to involve stakeholders in the prioritization process can lead to poor decision-making.

3. Not using data. Not using data to inform prioritization decisions can lead to poor decision-making.

4. Prioritizing too many features. Even though we’ve mentioned this one a couple of times already, prioritizing too many features can lead to scope creep and delays, so beware!

5. Not being flexible. Failing to adjust prioritization as new information becomes available can lead to poor decision-making.


MVP software design: how to maximize impact and minimize costs

Now that we’ve covered both tech stacks in MVP development for tech startup and prioritization techniques, don’t forget to check out a few tips and tricks for how to maximize the impact of your MVP app design and minimize costs in the process:

  • Focus on the core value proposition. Prioritize features that deliver the core value proposition of your product.
  • Keep it simple. Avoid complex features that may be difficult to implement or maintain.
  • Prioritize feedback. Prioritize features that will provide valuable feedback from customers.
  • Use data. Use data to inform your prioritization decisions, such as customer feedback, market trends, and competitor analysis.
  • Be flexible. Be prepared to adjust your prioritization as you gather more information and feedback.
  • Involve stakeholders. Involve stakeholders, such as customers, investors, and team members, in the prioritization process.
  • Use prioritization tools. Tools such as spreadsheets, Trello boards, or Asana can help you prioritize and track features.

To sum up, effective MVP feature prioritization mostly relies on three points - understanding your business, involving key stakeholders, and zeroing in on user needs. 

Remember: start small, listen to feedback, and iterate. That's the recipe for a successful product. That, and partnership with Merge.

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My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

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