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UX design myths: separating fact from fiction

Advancing technologies have left companies and individuals thinking that UX is for new technologies only. Myth or truth? Find it out by reading this article.

21 January, 2023
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User experience (UX) designs have proved to be very useful in improving digital products and services. Without UX and user interface (UI) designs, your digital products will most likely be rejected by the intended users, leading to significant losses.

However, the popularity of UX designs has given rise to a lot of speculations and myths. Some of these myths have prevented companies and individuals from taking full advantage of this aspect of design when creating websites, apps, and other digital products for their businesses.

Therefore, it’s important to understand these myths so that you can separate them from facts before you start designing your site or app. This article offers you the most common UX design myths.

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Common UX design myths

UX design is universal

Although UX design is aimed at making the product easy to use, it mainly focuses on cultivating the right experience for your target users. Therefore, the UX or UI design services company you hire for your app or site should understand that the UX design they create is meant for users who’ll actually use the product.

When you’re looking to optimize your product’s UX/UI potential, you need to go for designers who understand and adhere to the most efficient UI design practices. Also, make sure the people you hire for your projects understand the different types of UI design. Only a qualified and experienced UX/UI designer can deliver the right user experience to every target user.

UX design is all about usability

While the usability of a digital product is the main focus of the UX design, it shouldn’t be the only area of concern for your UX designers. Usability relates to the performance and overall functionality of a product, while the UX design is concerned with the general experience of the target user when interacting with the product.

This makes usability less comprehensive because it only becomes relevant when the product is used. Nevertheless, usability is a critical aspect of UX and general web design because it determines the success or failure of a project–but this doesn’t mean that your UX designers should only focus on usability and ignore other natural values and primacies in the market.

UX is for new technologies only

Advancing technologies have left companies and individuals thinking that the innovations are only meant for the latest systems and digital products. Nothing could be farther from the truth, especially concerning UX design. Contrary to what many people believe, UX design isn’t based on the latest technologies. Rather, it focuses on the user, their experience, and device interactions.

Aside from improving the current user experience, this design aspect also focuses on the creation of better experiences in the future. So, you can easily adopt UX design provided it integrates smoothly with your existing systems–this will keep your existing customers feeling involved and part of the new products.


UX design testing should occur at the final stages

Some UX designers believe that UX design testing should come last, but this practice is risky and costly because your designers might fail to detect errors that will cost you time and money to correct in the future. Therefore, make sure your UX designers validate the performance and functionality of your product at every stage of the design process.

They must test the efficiency and usability of the product, and review correct potential errors at every stage of the process to avoid unnecessary headaches in the future. This also helps to avoid last-minute interruptions when launching the final product.

More menu options are always better

Although limited menu options in UX design are considered a setback, too many options can overwhelm the user, forcing them to abandon important tasks midway. Because UX/UI designs are focused on improving the product’s usability and interactions, you shouldn’t give your users too many menu choices.

A good example of UX design with fewer menu options is Google. The browser offers only the necessary options thus improving the experience of its users. Its search bar only has two options that allow browsers to access the information and additional features they need quickly.

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