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UX design versus UX writing: understanding the differences and how they work together

UX Design and UX Writing may sound similar, but they are two distinct fields within UX. While both aim to create a seamless and enjoyable UX, they go about it differently.

13 February, 2023
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User experience (UX) is essentially the complete experience of a specific product, such as a website or an application.

The experience begins when a user first comes in contact with the product. UX design is also called service design as a result of this. UX design on iOS and on Android is different, but the fundamentals remain the same.

On the other hand, UX writing is the procedure of creating content in the form of text that will be a part of the broader user interface (UI) of the website. Professional UI/UX design services–from companies like Merge–offer expert advice from those who are familiar with these differences and can help you navigate them, but let’s dive into some of the basics.

UX design and UX writing: how they differ

UX Design and UX Writing may sound similar but they are two distinct fields within the User Experience (UX) industry. While both have the ultimate goal of creating a seamless and enjoyable user experience, they go about it in different ways.

UX design

UX design, otherwise known as user experience design, is the procedure of designing how a user experiences a specific product, such as a website, an application, or a platform. This is a process that includes the user’s journey as well as the elements a user might interact with. UX design, as a whole, can shape how someone feels about a specific product.

UX design’s main priority is dealing with the psychology behind a platform, and there is a wide range of things that are taken into account when it is being designed, including strategy, scope, skeleton, and surface. Based on all these factors, a UX designer is able to ensure the best possible experience for a user.

Strategy involves how a user experiences the product flow and how they can take action. Scope defines the product, such as its features and functions. Structure relates to how the features and elements are laid out. Skeleton indicates how the elements are put together for a high level of efficiency. Surface includes things the user sees on the screen or the product, such as images, text, videos, call-to-action (CTA) buttons, and other elements.

UX writing

UX writing, on the other hand, is another layer within the UX design process known as the surface layer. This layer includes the product's copy, which sits alongside the visuals and effects.

UX writing has the main goal of dealing with the UX copy which guides users, calls them to actions, and gives them specific information surrounding the product. The UX copy isn't the same as the product copy, which is referred to as copywriting, so keep that in mind.

UX writing brings the user experience design into words and aims to complement the entire design. Without UX writing, the icons and buttons and CTAs that are a part of the page would be difficult to understand.

In conclusion

UX writing is a part of the broader UX design procedure—a UX writer and a UX designer are two different people within a broader design team. The UX designer needs to find the best layout and the best structure of the features of a given product, while the UX writer will need to explain the features in a way that is as efficient as possible.

A UX team has multiple roles within it, and these are just two of the more important ones to be aware of. Though they have similarities and overlaps, they’re unique in their goals and approaches.

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My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

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