Advanced techniques

Advanced techniques

Advanced Webflow optimization techniques are specialized strategies that improve the speed, SEO, and overall performance of your Webflow website. They're essential because they ensure a better user experience, higher search rankings, and reduced load times for content-heavy sites.

Each of the following steps offers a roadmap to implement and refine the given optimization technique. Consulting with experts, like our team at Merge, can offer additional insights and hands-on support in perfecting these optimizations.

1) Lazy loading content

Lazy loading is a technique that delays the loading of images on a website until a user scrolls to them. This optimization method enhances website speed without compromising user experience.

Additionally, it allows for larger, high-resolution images suitable for retina displays. To confirm if your images are set to lazy load in Webflow, access the Element Settings panel and verify that the "Load" option is set to "Lazy."

Step-by-step guide on lazy loading:

  1. Identify heavy content. Review your website and identify large files like images, videos, or heavy scripts.
  2. Implement attributes. In Webflow, use the loading="lazy" attribute for images and iframes.
  3. Customize the viewport. Define the threshold for content to start loading. For instance, content 200px below the viewport.
  4. Test performance. Scroll through your website to ensure content loads seamlessly as you navigate.
  5. Evaluate load time. Use tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights to measure the improvement in load times.

2) Efficient use of third-party integrations

Every third-party integration added to a website introduces potential points of failure and slowdowns. Efficient integration means reducing those risks.

Let's say you have a booking tool, a chat widget, and an analytics script on your site. Instead of loading all these simultaneously, you'd load the booking tool immediately (since it's crucial) and delay the chat and analytics until after the primary content loads.

Here’s the list of best techniques for third-party integrations:

  • Optimizing integration requests. Think of this as efficient communication. Instead of shouting random phrases in a crowd, send a direct message. Use specific API requests to get just the data you need.
  • Choosing the right plugins. Not all plugins are created equal. Some might be bulky or poorly coded. Always research and select plugins that are well-reviewed, updated, and optimized for Webflow.
  • Minimizing dependency on external libraries. External libraries can slow down your site. It's like depending on a busy friend who's always late. Only use essential libraries and, if possible, look for lighter alternatives.
  • Streamlining API calls within Webflow. Limit the number of calls, consolidate them, or set them to run at specific intervals. It's about making those calls smarter.
  • Monitoring and reviewing plugin performance. Regularly check how your plugins are behaving. If one is causing a slowdown, it might be time for a replacement or a check-in with Merge for expert Webflow assistance.

3) Third-party scripts optimization

Third-party scripts often contribute to slow website performance, but they are essential for analytics and other functionalities. Here's how to optimize their impact on your site's speed.

Step-by-step guide on third-party scripts:

  1. Trim unnecessary scripts. Review all scripts and remove any unnecessary ones, especially old or redundant ones, ensuring only vital scripts remain on each page.
  2. Relocate to Footer. Move scripts from the section to before the closing </body> tag to speed up page rendering, prioritizing content visibility.
  3. Use "async" or "defer". Optimize script loading by using "async" for non-DOM-dependent scripts and "defer" for those requiring proper DOM rendering.
  4. Embed small code snippets. For small code pieces, directly embed them into your site instead of using tags, saving unnecessary HTTP requests.
  5. Delay non-critical ccripts. Delay loading of non-critical scripts like customer support chat software using "setTimeout" to avoid disrupting the user experience.
  6. Load scripts conditionally. Load scripts conditionally based on specific user behaviors or conditions, preventing unnecessary loading and improving site performance.
  7. Use "preconnect" and "dns-prefetch". Implement "preconnect" and "dns-prefetch" for essential origins to establish early connections and enhance site responsiveness without excessive bandwidth usage. However, avoid overusing "preconnect" to prevent rendering delays.

4) Delay scripts with Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a powerful tool for managing various web tags, including conversion tracking, analytics, and remarketing. You can configure it to load specific tags based on the rules you set. To optimize script loading and improve page performance, consider delaying the execution of tags using Google Tag Manager.

Step-by-step guide on delaying scripts:

  1. Implement Google Tag Manager. Set up and configure Google Tag Manager for your website if you haven't already. This tool allows you to manage and control various scripts from a single dashboard.
  2. Create delay rules. Within Google Tag Manager, establish rules for delaying the loading of scripts. For example, you can delay conversion scripts to load only on checkout or confirmation pages, reducing initial page load times.
  3. Bulk delay or individual tag delay. Choose whether to implement a bulk delay, postponing the execution of all tags by a specified duration (e.g., up to 6 seconds) after the initial page load, or delay each tag individually to stagger their load times.
  4. Search for speed-friendly alternatives. Before loading third-party scripts, explore alternative speed-friendly solutions. Search for alternatives or workarounds that achieve the same functionality without negatively impacting your site's performance.

Tip: Instead of using "async," consider deferring all scripts for additional optimization.

By the way, if any of the processes seem overwhelming, the experts at Merge offer Webflow services that can help.

5) Conditional visibility

Ever entered a room and the lights turned on just for you? Conditional visibility is like that for your Webflow content. It shows elements only when specific criteria are met.

For instance, you can display a banner only to first-time visitors. This ensures your website remains clutter-free and loads faster. Webflow has built-in settings for conditional visibility.

For more intricate conditions, custom JavaScript or our team’s expertise can help you further fine-tune the experience.

Step-by-step guide on conditional visibility:

  1. Define user segments. Understand the various user categories visiting your site (e.g., new visitors, returning users).
  2. Set conditions. In Webflow, use the conditional visibility settings to create criteria for displaying elements.
  3. Apply to elements. Attach the created conditions to relevant elements on your website.
  4. Test user scenarios. Simulate various user behaviors to ensure elements display as intended.
  5. Optimize for clarity. Review your site to ensure conditional visibility doesn't clutter or confuse the user experience.

6) Website organization

Efficient site organization plays a vital role in reducing website size and enhancing responsiveness. Here are strategies to keep your website well-organized.

Step-by-step guide on website organization:

  1. Regularly clean up. Frequently use the "Clean up" function in the "Style Manager" to remove unused elements and pages, preventing unnecessary classes from lingering in your CSS file. Address hidden elements and unused draft pages as well.
  2. Set styles on the root level. Practice good development habits by setting styles like fonts, colors, and default paddings/margins on the root or body level. Utilize a style guide and class naming convention to maintain a clean, organized, and consistent UI.
  3. Disable unused features. If you don't require specific features like E-commerce, Logic, or Membership, consider disabling them to reduce the additional JavaScript code and pre-built pages they bring, ensuring a lighter website.
  4. Preload critical links. Optimize user experience by prefetching or prerendering essential links that users are likely to visit next. While it can improve navigation speed, use this feature judiciously to avoid overburdening the current page and potentially slowing overall performance, reserving it for crucial actions like purchases or subscriptions.


In this comprehensive e-book, we went through many intricacies of optimizing your Webflow website to achieve peak performance and maximize its potential. From the foundations of SEO to the finer details of design and user experience, we've explored multiple useful strategies and techniques.

We've learned the importance of clean code, efficient scripting, and the impact of images on page load times. We've navigated the world of SEO, emphasizing keywords, alt texts, and mobile-first design.

With real-world case studies, we've witnessed the transformative power of these strategies, showcasing tangible results in speed, engagement, and conversions.

By implementing the tips and techniques shared in this e-book, you're well-equipped to optimize your Webflow website for success, ensuring it stands out among your competition. Harness these insights to enhance your online presence, engage your audience, and achieve your website's full potential.

Your journey to web optimization begins here. And don’t forget that our team at Merge is ready and willing to help.