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Managing dedicated development teams to maximize productivity

Merge has experience assembling and managing dedicated teams. So, buckle up and discover more helpful practices.

7 July, 2023
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Managing dedicated development teams requires going beyond traditional management techniques. They are often remote, more complex, and require cross-functional collaboration between individuals with diverse skills and expertise. Check out the differences between dedicated team vs. staff augmentation.

Merge has experience assembling and managing dedicated teams, and we can safely say that setting clear expectations from the outset, fostering open and transparent communication channels, and prioritizing tasks effectively helps create an environment conducive to high productivity.

So, buckle up and discover more helpful practices. And next time, you will learn how to measure performance of your dedicated development team.

Best practices for managing dedicated development teams

Let's start the journey of managing dedicated development teams by going through our invaluable insights and proven strategies.

Best practices for managing dedicated development teams
Best practices for managing dedicated development teams


You know what they say: great expectations lead to great collaborations! Mastering the art of expectation management plays a pivotal role when starting to work with a dedicated team, as it sets the stage for a successful project. First things first, we need to get them on point.

We're talking about defining project objectives, deliverables, timelines, and quality standards from the get-go. By doing so, your team and stakeholders are all on the same page, knowing exactly what's expected of them, which minimizes misunderstandings and promotes accountability.

You want to aim for a level of expectations that is realistic yet ambitious. On the one hand, it's important to have high expectations. After all, you've assembled a dedicated team of talented individuals ready to deliver outstanding results.

However, it's equally important to be realistic and mindful of the team's capabilities and constraints. Setting unattainable expectations can lead to frustration and demotivation. So, take a step back, assess the project’s resources, timelines, and complexities, and calibrate your expectations accordingly.


Communication, a cornerstone for managing dedicated development teams, requires effective strategies. Here are tips to enhance team communication:

  • Foster openness. Encourage team members to express their thoughts and concerns openly. Use transparent communication channels like regular meetings and virtual collaboration tools.
  • Emphasize active listening. Encourage attentive listening, asking clarifying questions, and thoughtful responses. Everyone's perspective should be valued and heard.
  • Visual aids and documentation. Utilize visual aids and collaborative platforms for clarity and easy access to documentation.
  • Regular communication routines. Schedule check-ins to keep the team aligned, address progress updates, and tackle challenges promptly.
  • Constructive feedback. Encourage respectful feedback focused on work and outcomes, promoting growth and alignment.
  • Visual communication techniques. Employ diagrams and screen-sharing to illustrate complex concepts effectively.
  • Embrace asynchronous communication. Prioritize non-urgent matters through email or project management tools.
  • Encourage cross-team collaboration. Foster knowledge sharing and coordination among different teams involved.


Prioritization is critical to managing dedicated development teams because it ensures that resources, time, and efforts are focused on the most important tasks and objectives. And you have to have your team be productive, meet deadlines, and deliver high-quality results.

First, align your priorities with the desired outcomes to help your team understand the bigger picture and make informed decisions. Determining the order and importance of tasks allows you to make informed decisions on where to direct your efforts. Consider customer impact, business value, strategic alignment, and urgency to determine their priority level.

Prioritization tips:

  1. Explore prioritization frameworks like the Eisenhower Matrix (Urgent vs. Important), Value vs. Effort Matrix, RICE Scoring Model, Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF), or Kano Model.
  2. Divide larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks for a more granular level of prioritization and facilitates better resource allocation and progress tracking.
  3. Consider task dependencies and constraints, such as technical requirements or resource availability.

Focus on the metrics that matter

This next practice involves directing attention and resources toward KPIs that align with the project's goals and objectives. Identify and define the most relevant to your project's success, meaning they should be directly linked to your desired outcomes.

For example, metrics like customer satisfaction, user engagement, or time to market can be the leading indicators. However, don't limit yourself to quantitative metrics only. Consider incorporating qualitative measures like user feedback, sentiment analysis, or usability testing results.

Instead of overwhelming yourself with numerous metrics, focus on a few meaningful ones that provide valuable insights. Quality metrics offer a clearer understanding of the project's performance and facilitate actionable decision-making. Then, establish realistic targets and benchmarks for each metric.

Finally, implement a system to consistently track and measure the selected metrics. Don't forget to create visualizations or reports (infographics, heatmaps, or interactive dashboards) that clearly present the metrics to stakeholders to facilitate effective communication about project progress.

Reserve your team for technical tasks

Reserving your team for technical tasks means strategically assigning them to focus on the nitty-gritty of their craft. It's about capitalizing on their technical prowess, knowledge, and experience to tackle complex problems and develop innovative solutions. You wouldn't want to divert their attention to mundane tasks. Instead, empower them to dive deep into their areas of expertise.

Delegate non-technical tasks, such as administrative work, documentation, or project management, to other team members or support staff. Then identify and prioritize technical tasks that have the most significant impact on project success. Ensure that your team's time and efforts are primarily allocated to tasks directly contributing to achieving project objectives and deliverables.

Choose the right collaboration tools for the job

The right collaboration tools here are the appropriate software and platforms that facilitate effective communication, coordination, and teamwork within a dedicated development team. You should opt for those with a shallow learning curve, provide a seamless user experience, and integrate well with your existing workflow.

You can, for example:

  • Create dedicated project channels in Slack to share updates and collaborate on specific development tasks.
  • Integrate tools like Jira or Trello to receive automatic notifications about task updates and changes. Create user stories, assign tasks, and track progress using Jira's agile boards.
  • Conduct regular team meetings and virtual stand-ups using Microsoft Teams' video conferencing feature.
  • Host and manage source code repositories on GitHub, allowing team members to collaborate on code development. Utilize GitHub's issue-tracking system to report and manage bugs and feature requests.
  • Create a shared knowledge base in Notion to document coding conventions, technical documentation, and project guidelines.
  • Create a Trello board to represent the development workflow, with lists representing different stages of development (e.g., to-do, in progress, completed). Assign team members to specific cards, add due dates, and track the progress of tasks through visual cues.

Listen to feedback from the team

Listening to feedback involves actively seeking and considering input, suggestions, and concerns from team members to improve processes and address issues. It means valuing the unique perspectives and insights of each team member and creating a safe space for open dialogue. You recognize that their experiences and observations hold invaluable wisdom that can shape the team's direction and enhance its effectiveness.

Useful practices:

  1. Create a safe and open environment where your team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions. Assure them that their feedback is valued and will be taken seriously.
  2. Schedule regular check-ins or one-on-one meetings with team members to discuss their experiences, challenges, and suggestions. It will allow people to express their feedback in a more personal and confidential setting.
  3. Implement anonymous feedback channels or surveys to allow team members to provide feedback without fearing repercussions.
  4. Encourage team members to elaborate on their feedback by asking follow-up questions that delve deeper into their thoughts and suggestions.
  5. Encourage a culture of continuous feedback within the team. Encourage team members to provide input not only on issues but also on successes and opportunities for growth.

Involve your team in decision-making

Involving your team in decision-making is a powerful way to harness the collective intelligence and expertise within your group. By actively seeking their input and perspectives, you create a sense of ownership and empowerment, which leads to more engaged and motivated team members.

Each team member brings their unique insights and ideas to the table, contributing to a richer and more well-rounded decision-making process. This collaborative approach not only generates better solutions but also fosters a sense of inclusivity and trust among team members.

Involving your team in decision-making also cultivates a culture of shared responsibility. When individuals feel that their opinions matter and their voices are heard, they become more invested in the outcomes.

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The benefits of dedicated development teams

In conclusion, implementing best practices for managing dedicated development teams can bring remarkable benefits. Remember to set clear expectations, foster effective communication, focus on relevant metrics, reserve the team for technical tasks, choose the right collaboration tools, listen to team feedback, and involve them in decision-making.

Hiring dedicated development teams offers a range of advantages, including increased productivity, streamlined workflows, enhanced innovation, improved deliverable quality, and accelerated time-to-market. These teams bring specialized skills, domain expertise, and a cohesive work dynamic that promotes collaboration and efficiency.

Here at Merge, we understand the value of dedicated development teams and are proud to offer exceptional services in this area. Our dedicated teams are well-equipped to address diverse technical requirements and deliver customized solutions.

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My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

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