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SaaS product design: a comprehensive guide

Picture it like constructing a house – you want strong walls, efficient wiring, and a solid foundation. But what about the layout that makes you feel at home? That's where SaaS product design steps in.

5 September, 2023
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Ever thought about how those neat SaaS apps are made? As a SaaS design agency, we have some insider knowledge to share with you. When creating a new SaaS product, people often focus on the functionality, the idea itself, or the technical details. You name it. While all this is very much important, design is often overlooked at first.

Picture it like constructing a house – you want strong walls, efficient wiring, and a solid foundation. But what about the layout that makes you feel at home, the colors that set the mood, and the little touches that turn it into your sanctuary? That's where SaaS product design steps in.

In our new SaaS product series, you can collect numerous insights, from mastering the SaaS onboarding process to mapping the SaaS product development lifecycle. Be sure to check out our blog for more information. But for now, it’s SaaS product design’s turn. Read on, and we’ll show you how to make your product more user-friendly and set it apart from the crowd.

Want to have an efficient, business-oriented design?

View a recorded webinar with Pavel Tseluyko on how design adds value to your business.

Watch now

What is SaaS product design?

When design takes a back seat, you risk offering a clunky, confusing, or forgettable user experience. Users might struggle to find what they want, buttons might not make sense, and the whole thing might feel off. And today's ruthless competition means a poor experience could send users straight to your competitors.

So, what is SaaS product design, exactly? SaaS product design is the art of creating user-friendly software. It involves crafting interfaces that are easy to navigate, visually appealing, and aligned with user needs. Good design ensures seamless interactions, enhances user satisfaction, and differentiates your product in a competitive market. It's the heart of user-centric software development.


Benefits of designing a Saas product

How does user-centric craftsmanship enhance security, user experience, and development speed?

Increased website security

A well-executed SaaS product design fortifies website security by integrating intuitive authentication, encryption, and access controls, safeguarding sensitive data against potential threats. This keeps user info safe from online dangers and unauthorized entry, making the website a trusted place for users.

Improved user experience

Thoughtfully designing your SaaS product elevates user experience by crafting interfaces that are simple to understand, enabling intuitive navigation, and adapting to different devices. This combined approach ensures users can smoothly interact with the software, find what they need easily, and enjoy a consistent and pleasant experience across various platforms.

Faster development

Finally, a good design accelerates SaaS development by providing clear visual guidelines and organized design assets, which helps efficiently translate design concepts into functional code, reducing confusion and back-and-forth iterations. Additionally, a well-structured design streamlines communication, allowing for quicker decision-making and implementation.

How to approach SaaS product design

Think about your favorite app or website – the way it looks, how it responds when you tap or click, and how easily you find what you need. These aren't accidents; they're the work of intentional design. Design isn't just about making things pretty; it's about crafting an experience, ensuring that using the app feels like second nature.

Understanding target users and personas

Start by getting inside the heads of your intended users. Learn about their preferences, needs, and behaviors. Create personas – detailed profiles of typical users – to guide your design decisions based on real insights. This step ensures your software resonates with your audience, making it a valuable solution for their specific challenges.

Competitive analysis

Study similar SaaS products in the market. Analyze their strengths, weaknesses, and user feedback. This helps you identify opportunities to stand out and avoid common pitfalls. By understanding what works and what doesn't, you can tailor your design to offer a unique and more compelling experience.

Defining product requirements and specifications

Clearly outline what your SaaS product needs to accomplish. Define its features, functionalities, and user interactions. These specifications act as your roadmap, ensuring that your design aligns with the intended purpose and that development progresses smoothly toward your goals.

Choosing the right design tools and platforms

Select design tools and platforms that match your project's requirements. Different tools offer various features for wireframing, prototyping, and designing. Picking the right ones helps streamline your design process, making collaboration and iteration easier while creating a solid foundation for development.

Design collaboration and workflow

Design isn't a solo act. Establish clear collaboration processes within your team. Define roles, responsibilities, and communication channels. A smooth workflow ensures designers, developers, and other stakeholders work together efficiently, exchanging ideas and refining the design to its best version.

Incorporating metrics and analytics

Design isn't just about looks either; it's about results. Integrate metrics and analytics tools to track user interactions, engagement, and pain points. This data-driven approach lets you continuously refine your design based on real user behavior, ensuring your SaaS product evolves to meet users' evolving needs effectively.


Key steps for developing a user-centric and intuitive Saas product

Here are the key steps that will transform your product from concept to reality, all while keeping the user experience front and center. From defining the core problem your product addresses to crafting a seamless user journey, designing prototypes, and iteratively testing and refining, each step is a vital piece of the puzzle.

SaaS product design stages
SaaS product design stages

Define the problem

Start by diving deep into the pain points your target users face. Consider both broad industry challenges and specific user frustrations. Define the problem with precision to ensure your design efforts are focused and impactful.


  • Involve cross-functional teams to gain diverse perspectives on the problem. Use techniques like the "5 Whys" to uncover underlying causes.
  • Use mind mapping tools like XMind to visually organize your problem definition process.
  • Empathy Mapping can help you step into users' shoes, understanding their feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Remember, a well-defined problem is halfway to a successful solution. Embrace the challenge!

Research and assess user needs

Delve into your users' world. Conduct surveys, interviews, and observations to gather insights. Understand their goals, behaviors, and pain points. This data-driven research guides your design decisions, ensuring your SaaS product meets genuine user needs.


  • When creating user personas, prioritize primary user needs while considering secondary needs.
  • User research platforms like UserTesting enable remote testing and feedback collection.
  • Use the Jobs-to-be-Done framework to uncover what motivates users to use your product.

Create a user journey

Map out the entire user experience from start to finish. Visualize the user's interactions, emotions, and touchpoints with your product. Identify pain points and opportunities for enhancement across their journey.

Collaborate with UX designers, developers, and other stakeholders to create a comprehensive journey map. Tools like UXPressia assist in creating detailed user journey maps with customizable templates, while methods like storyboarding help illustrate the user's progression through your product's stages.

Design of a prototype

Prototyping is your playground. It helps visualize the product's layout and interactions. Experiment, refine, and let your creativity shine by transforming your ideas into tangible forms.

  • First, develop low-fidelity wireframes and then high-fidelity mockups representing the user interface.
  • Prioritize usability over aesthetics in early prototypes. Iterate quickly based on user feedback.
  • For a tool to use, choose Figma. It's an excellent collaborative platform for designing and prototyping. We've been using it at Merge for quite some time.
  • A practical methodology to add to your process: the "Crazy 8s" exercise encourages quick sketching to generate diverse design concepts.

Test and iterate information

Lastly, put your prototype in users' hands and gather feedback. Analyze their interactions and identify pain points. Use this data to refine your design iteratively, ensuring continuous improvement.

Tip: Conduct usability testing with real users to pinpoint areas of confusion or frustration.

Use a tool like Lookback for remote usability testing and user session recording.

Methodology: Lean UX principles emphasize ongoing testing and adaptation for continuous improvement.

Remember, every test is a step toward perfection. Embrace user feedback to craft an exceptional product.

Want to have an efficient, business-oriented design?

View a recorded webinar with Pavel Tseluyko on how design adds value to your business.

Watch now


Unveiling the often overlooked powerhouse in software creation - design. In SaaS development, where functionality rules, design can transform your product from good to incredible.

SaaS product design crafts easy-to-use interfaces aligned with user needs while adding visual charm. Our journey through this guide reveals design’s role in security, user experience, and speed.

To dive in, start by understanding users through personas. Study competitors, set clear product goals, and choose the right tools. Then, follow a transformative process, from defining problems and user needs, mapping their journey, to crafting prototypes.

Test, learn, and perfect using Lean UX principles. Remember, design isn't just decoration - it's the bridge between function and beauty, creating a product users adore.

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Design packages for your startup

Ideal for early-stage product UIs and websites.

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CEO and Founder of Merge

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

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