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Webflow development pricing: what you need to know

Here's everything you need to know about Webflow's pricing to plan your masterpiece without emptying your pockets.

5 October, 2023
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Have you ever wondered how much you'd need to shell out to bring your dazzling website idea to life using Webflow? You're in luck!

After understanding how Webflow operates, let's dive deep into Webflow pricing. We'll break down everything from hosting to design and even that pesky question – template or scratch?

Here's everything you need to know about Webflow's pricing to plan your masterpiece without emptying your pockets.


Pricing basics

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, let's lay out the basics. Here's what you can expect in terms of Webflow hosting, templates, design, development costs, and maintenance.

Webflow hosting

Webflow offers its hosting solution, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. The platform uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide fast, secure, and scalable hosting. This ensures you get high uptime, SSL certification, and content delivery from global data centers.

With Webflow hosting, you also get the benefit of automatic backups, so if anything goes awry, you can simply revert to a previous state.

Webflow offers diverse hosting plans to cater to various needs, from personal portfolios to large-scale businesses:

  • Basic site plan. Priced at $14/month when paid annually and $18/month when paid monthly, it's perfect for simple sites without CMS needs.
  • CMS website plan. For those venturing into content-rich platforms, this plan offers extensive CMS features, costing $23/month annually or $29/month monthly.
  • Business site plan. Geared for high-traffic sites, this plan costs $39/month annually or $49/month monthly, bringing enhanced features and capacities.
  • Enterprise plan. For the giants needing custom solutions, you'll need to contact Webflow directly for pricing.

Is your website still on WordPress?

That's so last century. Let's bring it to Webflow finally.

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Starting from a template versus from scratch

There are two ways to kick off your Webflow journey: starting with a template or building from scratch.

Templates are pre-designed website layouts tailored for specific business types or functions. They are a quick way to get your site up and running. Opting for a template can save you design and development time but might limit unique customization.

On the other hand, starting from scratch gives you a blank canvas. It offers the freedom to design every element exactly as you envision but requires more time and potentially a steeper learning curve.

Whether you choose a template or start from scratch, the cost will eventually depend on the hosting plan you select.

Design with Webflow

Webflow bridges the gap between design and coding by offering a visual interface to design responsive websites. You get the power to create intricate animations, interactions, and responsive designs without writing a single line of code.

The design capabilities in Webflow remain consistent across plans. However, some advanced design functionalities might be tied to specific plans, such as the Business Site Plan, costing $39/month (when billed annually).

Development costs breakdown by site complexity

When calculating the cost of Webflow development, the complexity of your site plays a major role.

We’ve composed a table that integrates Webflow’s pricing structure for development costs across various site complexities.

It will offer a clear view of what you can expect in each plan and at what price point.

Development costs breakdown by site complexity
Development costs breakdown by site complexity


Once your site is up and running, the journey isn't over. Maintenance is crucial to ensure your website remains functional, updated, and secure.

Webflow’s hosting includes some maintenance aspects like security and backups, but site content updates, bug fixes, and design tweaks are on you. Regularly updating your site’s content keeps it fresh for visitors and can help with SEO.

Periodically, you might want to refresh the design or add new features. Plus, as Webflow rolls out new features or updates, you'll want to integrate them.

Maintenance costs might depend on the site's complexity and the plan you've chosen. For instance, a Business Site Plan might require more resources for maintenance than a Basic Site Plan due to the increased features and functionalities.

Factors to consider when setting a budget

Setting a budget is more than just looking at a price tag. Let’s discuss the factors you should consider and how different business types might impact your development costs when using Webflow as an alternative to traditional web development.

Webflow services to consider

When setting your budget, it's essential to take stock of the various Webflow services available. First and foremost is Webflow hosting. As we discussed earlier, it's a separate cost and is a vital factor as it dictates how your site performs online.

Next, Webflow templates. While they come at an added expense, they can save you hours of design time, making them a worthy investment for some. If you're keen on unique designs, then this might be an area where you save.

Webflow University is a goldmine for learners. While many resources are free, some advanced courses come at a price.

Lastly, Webflow Experts is a platform connecting you with professional Webflow developers. If you're looking to hire someone for your project, these costs can vary widely based on expertise and project requirements.

Website development costs based on business type

Your business type can significantly influence the development costs on Webflow. Let's break it down:

  • Blogs/portfolios. These are typically simpler, focusing on content and aesthetics. Costs are often on the lower end because of fewer pages and functionalities.
  • Small businesses. Websites for small businesses might need added features like contact forms, booking systems, or product displays. This can push the cost up as more time and integrations are required.
  • E-commerce. Online stores come with their complexities. Product listings, cart functionality, payment integrations – all these add layers to the design and development process, leading to a higher budget requirement.
  • SaaS and tech platforms. Often the most complex, these sites require intricate designs, user dashboards, payment systems, and other advanced features. They're a considerable investment but crucial for business operations.

Remember, while the type of business gives a ballpark estimate, your specific requirements and features will finally determine the cost. Always factor in both initial development and ongoing maintenance when setting your budget.

SaaS web development costs with Webflow

If you're considering building your SaaS platform, let's examine the specific costs tied to this business model. Webflow, with its dynamic capabilities, can be a robust tool for this, but it's vital to understand the associated costs.

  • UX and UI design. SaaS platforms thrive on user engagement. A seamless UX and an appealing UI can be the difference between a user subscribing to your service or abandoning it. Designing intricate dashboards, user profiles, and other interactive elements requires a bigger budget.
  • Integrations and functionalities. SaaS platforms often demand several integrations – from payment gateways to third-party applications. Each integration not only adds to the development time but also the cost.
  • Scalability. As your user base grows, you want your platform to handle the traffic without hiccups. Webflow's hosting offers scalability, but if you're anticipating a massive user base, you might need to look into enterprise plans with a higher price tag.
  • Custom code. Webflow's no-code capabilities are impressive, but SaaS platforms might need custom coding for certain functionalities. This can lead to additional expenses if you need to hire a developer.
  • Testing. Ensuring your SaaS platform is bug-free is essential. Allocating the budget for rigorous testing phases is non-negotiable.

Frequently asked questions

From site plans to the value of Webflow, let’s clear up some burning queries you might have.


Site plans vs. workspace plans

Site Plans focus primarily on individual websites. When you invest in a site plan, you're essentially paying for your website to be hosted and live on the internet. Prices start from $14 (if paid annually) for a basic plan, which caters to simpler sites like portfolios.

There are advanced plans like CMS and Business plans that can cost up to $49 a month when billed monthly. Additionally, Webflow offers an Enterprise Plan, but you would need to contact them for custom pricing details.

Features like SSL certification, custom domain linking, and content delivery are standard across these plans, with additional features such as higher traffic handling, e-commerce capabilities, and CMS items depending on your chosen plan.

Workspace Plans, on the other hand, cater to agencies, freelancers, or businesses managing multiple Webflow projects. They don't handle hosting per se.

Instead, they provide a workspace, offering collaborative tools, billing transfer functionalities, and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

The costs for Workspace Plans can range from $16 per month (for Freelancers) up to customized pricing for Enterprise solutions.

Is Webflow worth the price?

Webflow's value proposition is its blend of design flexibility and no-code development. If you cherish the freedom to design without restrictions while not diving deep into code, Webflow is a solid choice.

The platform offers a unique bridge between designers and developers, allowing seamless collaboration. Add to that the benefit of Webflow University – a vast resource for learning – and the continuously evolving feature set.

Overall, given its scalability, features, and integrations, many find it a worthy investment, but the value derived will always depend on individual project needs and goals.

What are the alternatives to Webflow?

The digital world is bustling with website builders and design platforms. Some noteworthy alternatives to Webflow include:

  • Wix. Known for its drag-and-drop interface, it caters to beginners and professionals. It offers customizable templates and an App Market for additional functionalities.
  • Squarespace. Famous for its sleek designs, Squarespace is a favorite among creatives and small businesses. It offers e-commerce solutions and a user-friendly interface.
  • WordPress. A giant in the field, WordPress boasts flexibility with its vast plugin ecosystem. While there's a steeper learning curve, its adaptability is unparalleled.
  • Shopify. If e-commerce is your game, Shopify is a top contender. It's tailored for online stores, offering everything from product listings to payment gateways.

Is your website still on WordPress?

That's so last century. Let's bring it to Webflow finally.

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In the bustling world of website development, Webflow emerges as a reliable platform catering to varied needs, from solo freelancers to large enterprises. With pricing options as diverse as its features, you can choose what fits your budget and ambition.

For striving businesses busy with their growth, there's an undeniable advantage in opting for specialists who are adept in Webflow development services.

Our team at Merge not only understands the nuances of Webflow but is also passionate about bringing to life responsive, aesthetic, and high-performance websites tailored to your specific needs.

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My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

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