Case studies: no-code vs traditional deployment

Case studies: no-code vs traditional deployment

Next, we'll examine some real-world case studies and hard facts that show just how game-changing no-code tools can be - from rapid deployment and massive efficiency gains to serious cost reductions and unparalleled agility.

Most professionals in our field believe that no-code is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in how we approach software development, making tech accessible to everyone. Chapter 3 is going to show you why.

No-code in numbers

Rapid deployment and efficiency

According to Forrester, no-code tools can deliver products up to 10 times faster than traditional platforms. Companies typically see a 60% reduction in development time when using no-code solutions.

Cost reduction

No need for a full development team; often a single no-code developer suffices.

Companies using low-code tools for customer-facing apps reported a 58% revenue increase. Additionally, more than 80% of organizations find no- and low-coding frees up highly paid programmers for more complex tasks.

Agility in updates and changes Switching to no-code development results in 56% faster solution deployment, including updates. Quick and easy adaptation to changing customer needs and market trends.

Industry perception and future adoption According to the UserGuiding report, 85% of professionals in SaaS and Product sectors see added value in no-code software, and 96% of non-users are open to trying no-code development in the future.

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Successful examples of implementing no-code

We have a few excellent examples where no-code development has significantly improved business operations, reduced costs, enhanced customer experience, etc.


Alta, a prominent player in Southeast Asia's alternative investment market, managing over USD 22 billion in transactions, faced a significant challenge with their outdated website. Failing to mirror their industry-leading status, hindered their user experience. To address this, Alta turned to a design agency that chose a no-code solution, Webflow, for a strategic redesign and development overhaul.

The implementation of Webflow allowed for a complete transformation of Alta's online presence. This redesign significantly improved the user experience, making it easier for clients to interact with the company's digital platform. The technical issues that plagued the old site were also resolved, creating a robust and scalable website that can adapt to future business needs.

This right here is the power of no-code solutions. Alta's experience demonstrates how no-code tools like Webflow can be effectively used to improve a company's digital presence, enhance user engagement, and align a website more closely with business objectives. The key takeaways include the importance of a user-centric approach, the flexibility of no-code platforms to adapt to business growth, and the critical role of technical robustness in enhancing customer experience.

Alta no-code development
Alta no-code development

FD Works

FD Works, an accountancy firm established in 2013, aims to provide specialized financial support to growth-focused businesses in the creative and tech sectors. The firm encountered a significant challenge: effectively managing and sharing the growing volume of client data without a dedicated in-house team of developers. To resolve this, they turned to Stacker, a no-code platform that integrates with Airtable, to create a centralized data portal.

This no-code approach allowed FD Works to streamline internal data access and management, while also enabling clients to update their own information, fostering greater engagement. The adoption of Stacker not only improved data visualization but also eliminated the firm's dependence on spreadsheets and manual processes. This case demonstrates the efficacy of no-code solutions in simplifying complex data management tasks, enhancing customer interaction, and improving operational efficiency in a non-technical environment. It highlights the value of no-code tools in achieving business goals with limited resources.


LiveSchool, an innovative Edtech management app, needed an improved website to better connect with educators and schools. The company faced the challenge of standing out in the industry and required a website that would not only attract but also retain clients. They opted for a no-code tool, seeking a solution that was both efficient and capable of delivering a high-quality web presence.

The no-code solution, implemented by Merge, centered around a complete website redesign using Webflow. This change made the site easier to navigate and more appealing, clearly presenting what LiveSchool offers. The new design helped LiveSchool stand out in the crowded Edtech market without the need for complex coding.

We'd like to highlight a few important points. A well-designed website is key to engaging and attracting users. No-code tools like Webflow are user-friendly and can produce quality results without deep technical knowledge. Lastly, it's crucial to understand your audience and industry to create a website that truly meets their needs.

LiveSchool no-code
LiveSchool no-code

Here are some more brief examples where no-code development has brought substantial cost savings and efficiency improvements:

  • Built on Glide, IntroCRM streamlined operations, resulting in a 60% increase in team productivity, significantly reducing the time spent on manual tasks.
  • Developed using Bubble and Webflow, Swapstack connects brands with newsletter audiences for sponsorships, targeting both brands and freelance writers.
  • A marketplace for land investing, was developed in 8 weeks using Bubble. It provided a user-friendly platform for wholesale property transactions.

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No-code vs traditional deployment

Let's take a closer look at the no-code versus traditional deployment and see for ourselves why big companies and startups are turning to no-code for faster, more agile solutions.

Analysis of the speed of deployment and market adaptation

Large enterprises are increasingly adopting low-code/no-code platforms, driven by the need for digital agility. These platforms enable rapid application development and deployment, reducing reliance on professional developers. Gartner estimates that over 70% of all software development will involve low-code tools by 2025. This significant adoption by large enterprises is driven by the need for digital agility and scalability.

A significant shift is also occurring where non-technical citizen developers are contributing to software development. 80% of tech products and services are estimated to be built by citizen developers by 2024, thanks to low-code/no-code platforms' intuitive interfaces and visual tools.

Integration with other technologies. Low-code/no-code tools are integrating with technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain. This integration is enabling predictive analytics, automated decision-making, and the creation of applications using IoT data streams. The platforms are also incorporating enhanced security features like AI-driven functionalities, encryption methods, and automated security checks. Lastly, low-code tools are continuously embedding AI-driven algorithms for data analysis, pattern recognition, and predictive modeling.

Further analysis suggests that:

  1. Platforms are being increasingly customized to meet the specific needs of industries like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and education.
  2. There is a trend towards creating hybrid environments that combine the simplicity of low-code/no-code platforms with traditional coding, including APIs and service integration.
  3. Despite these advancements, there are challenges in balancing flexibility with robustness, managing platform limitations, and maintaining code quality standards.
  4. For small and midsize businesses, low-code/no-code platforms allow solutions to be built 56% faster than using legacy systems. This significant time reduction is especially beneficial for small businesses and freelancers.
  5. Enterprises are redesigning their IT strategies to harness the efficiency and rapid prototyping offered by low-code/no-code, empowering non-IT personnel to participate in development, and leading to a more collaborative work environment.

Overall, no-code tools are rapidly democratizing development and offering significant advantages in terms of speed, cost-efficiency, and accessibility. However, this transformation also brings challenges and considerations that need to be addressed to ensure successful implementation and integration into existing systems and practices.

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Comparative analysis: no-code vs. traditional coding

No-code platforms offer significant advantages in terms of speed, simplicity, and accessibility, and are continually evolving to address traditional limitations. Here’s our comprehensive analysis of what to expect when working with no-code for your solution vs. using traditional methods.

1. Time-to-market

No-code platforms can speed up the development process by up to 10 times, drastically reducing the time-to-market for applications.

Traditional development can take weeks or months, depending on the complexity of the project. This longer timeframe can be a significant drawback in fast-paced market environments.

2. Cost analysis and resource allocation

With no-code, the cost can be up to 3 times cheaper compared to traditional coding, making it a highly cost-effective option for businesses, especially startups and small enterprises. The cost of traditional development can be substantially higher due to the need for skilled developers. The high demand and cost of these professionals make this approach more expensive.

3. Flexibility and adaptability to market changes

No-code platforms provide high agility, allowing businesses to implement changes instantly and adapt quickly to market feedback without disrupting the user experience. Changes in traditional apps can take days and may disrupt app functionality, which can negatively affect the customer experience.

No-code deployment

Speed and simplicity. No-code platforms enable rapid development and deployment, often allowing applications to go live much faster than traditional methods. For instance, a survey by Goodfirms noted that while traditional development takes an average of 4.5 months, no-code tools can significantly reduce this time.

Skill requirements. No-code development democratizes the application creation process, enabling those without extensive programming skills to contribute to solution development. This can be especially beneficial in resource-constrained environments.

Agility and flexibility. No-code platforms offer high agility, facilitating instant changes and updates. This agility is crucial in dynamic business environments where rapid adaptation is key.

Maintenance and support. While no-code platforms often provide automatic updates, they may lack personalized support. To mitigate this, choosing platforms with robust customer service and community support can be crucial.

Customization and complexity. No-code platforms can be less suitable for complex applications. However, many advanced no-code platforms now offer functionalities for more complex enterprise-grade apps. Selecting the right platform based on project requirements is crucial.

Traditional coding deployment

Customization and control. Traditional coding still provides more control over application design and functionality, allowing for highly customized solutions. That’s reasonable but only if it’s one of your top priorities.

Scalability. Traditional coding is more scalable, making it more suitable for enterprise solutions. For instance, custom-built web applications can be designed from the outset to handle increased user loads and data volumes.

Longer development time and higher costs. Traditional development is more time-consuming, with KPMG reporting that 80% of traditional projects are not delivered on time. However, this approach is often necessary for complex, bespoke solutions.

Challenges with rapid changes. Traditional apps are less agile, making quick changes more challenging. Adopting Agile methodologies can help mitigate this, allowing for more flexible and iterative development processes.

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