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Product website trends and best practices for 2024

2024 is definitely set to redefine the standards of product website design.

18 December, 2023
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In 2024, website design for products is all about creating an engaging and intuitive online experience. 3D designs and interactive features are becoming more common, making websites a place to browse and an experience to remember​​.  

AI and machine learning are playing a significant role, too, adapting website content to individual preferences for a more personalized feel​​​​. At the same time, there's a nod to the past with retro-inspired designs, blending old-school charm with modern functionality​​​​​​. 

As we get into the specifics of these latest web design trends, one thing becomes clear: 2024 is set to redefine the standards of product website design, promising a more engaging, intuitive, and memorable online journey for users worldwide!

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Join us in exploring the user-friendly world of web interactions in 2024, where practical 3D elements and subtle microinteractions enhance everyday browsing experiences. To get into the best web design companies 2024 list, we have to focus on the following.

3D and interactivity

3D and interactive web designs are increasingly vital in product websites, especially for SaaS landing pages. You can also find them in website development trends lists.

These designs go beyond aesthetics, significantly boosting user engagement and creating immersive experiences. Users can interact with products in a virtual-like setting, making the experience more memorable and interactive.

Key aspects:

  • Enhanced user engagement through interactive elements.
  • Memorable experiences with virtual-like environments.

Examples: IKEA's Favoritos 3D Store and Puma's Deviate Nitro 2 landing page.

IKEA's Favoritos 3D Store
IKEA's Favoritos 3D Store


Microinteractions, small yet impactful design elements, remain a key trend in web design for product websites. They instantly respond to user actions, adding an interactive layer to the website. 

These elements, like animated buttons, progress bars, and haptic feedback, provide visual or tactile guidance, enhancing the user's digital journey. Professional designers easily add them using tools like Figma or some other Figma alternatives.


Key aspects:

  • Adds dynamism and intuitiveness to web interactions.
  • Improves user satisfaction and usability through subtle cues.

Example: Liveschool.

Liveschool's interactive website design by Merge
Liveschool's interactive website design by Merge

Discover the approachable style trends in web design for 2024, where familiar retro themes meet modern minimalism, alongside thoughtful uses of color and the clean lines of Glassmorphism.

Retro and subtle nostalgia

The "Subtle Nostalgia" trend in 2024 product website design creatively merges vintage aesthetics with modern elements. It's like a contemporary journey through the styles of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, tapping into the emotional connections people have with the past.

Key aspects:

  • Combines vintage and modern design features.
  • Evokes comfort and familiarity, enhancing brand identity.
Retro website design by Yahya J. Aifit
Retro website design by Yahya J. Aifit

Minimalism. Yes, again. But it works...

The minimalism revival in 2024 web design focuses on clean, uncluttered layouts emphasizing essential elements, using negative space, simple typography, and monochromatic colors. This approach aims for efficient, visually appealing digital spaces with minimal distractions, centering on the content.

Key aspects:

  • Classic minimalism. Adopts a "less is more" philosophy with simple geometric shapes and monochromatic colors.
  • Minimalistic chaos. Introduces unpredictable elements into minimalist designs, like irregular object spacing.
  • Eco-design. Prioritizes energy-saving and sustainability, using simple layouts for reduced environmental impact.
  • Bright minimalism. Merges vibrant colors with minimalist layouts, adding personality while keeping it simple.
  • Grids and structure. Utilizes grids for consistent spacing and alignment, ensuring a polished look.
  • Ultra minimalism. Extends minimalism further, strategically using empty space and focusing on clean lines and limited colors.

Example: Copilot.
Copilot's minimal website design

Color psychology

Color psychology in web design for 2024 leverages strategic color choices to evoke specific emotions and drive actions, recognizing color as a key element in creating engaging and effective websites. Different hues are selected for their ability to invoke various emotional responses and behaviors.

Key color trends for 2024:

Key color trends 2024
Key color trends 2024

Examples: Y2K aesthetic revival.


Glassmorphism, a prominent web design trend for 2024, is defined by its semi-transparent, 'glassy' backgrounds with subtle shadows resembling frosted glass. This style offers a modern, sleek, and futuristic look, enhancing the immersion and appeal of user interfaces.

Key characteristics:

  • Semi-transparent backgrounds with Gaussian blur, shadows, and transparency.
  • Background elements are subtly visible through the 'glassy' layer.
  • Adds depth and tactility to design elements.
  • Versatile application in layered elements, icons, colorful backgrounds, and card-style blocks.

Recent applications: layered design elements and card-style blocks.

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See how web design is becoming more user-focused in 2024, with SaaS platforms using data-driven insights and AI to offer personalized experiences that really resonate.

SaaS personalization

In 2024, the personalization trend in product websites, particularly for SaaS platforms, will be characterized by creating even more unique user experiences. The goal is to improve user engagement on SaaS landing pages, enhancing user experience and increasing conversion rates.

Key aspects:

  • Utilization of AI for hyper-personalization.
  • Analysis of user data like browsing behavior and purchase history.
  • Focus on data privacy and compliant AI integration.
  • Innovations like cookieless personalization using first-party and zero-party data.

Examples: Dotdigital and Monetate. 


Data-driven SaaS design

Data-driven design (DDD) in 2024, particularly for SaaS, is a trend where user data is used to inform design decisions. This approach improves the layout's effectiveness and guides users through a sales funnel. 

DDD involves integrating data throughout the design process and committing to iterative improvements, focusing not just on aesthetics but also on user experience and conversion rates.

Key aspects:

  • Integration of user data in the design process.
  • Emphasis on understanding user personas and behaviors.
  • Use of both quantitative and qualitative data, like surveys and interviews.
  • Balancing data insights with creative intuition.

Examples: Siren's website design.

Siren's website design by Merge
Siren's website design by Merge

AI and machine learning

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing product website trends in 2024, mainly by enhancing personalized user experiences. This includes AI-powered chatbots, recommendation engines, and predictive analytics, which are pivotal for SaaS platforms.

Key aspects:

  • AI-powered personal assistants for task automation and intuitive user interfaces.
  • Enhanced cybersecurity through AI for real-time threat detection.
  • AI-driven augmented and virtual reality for more realistic and personalized experiences.

The adoption of AI-powered personal assistants is notable, with advancements in natural language processing making these tools more efficient in tasks like email responses and scheduling. AI's role in cybersecurity also offers proactive measures against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

Examples: Zymr and Intercom.

Website's chatbot Intercom
Website's chatbot Intercom

Let's look at how website content in 2024 is evolving with new website trends like engaging videos, straightforward text-only hero images, and the personal touch of custom fonts.

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Text-only hero images

Product websites are also embracing text-only hero Images, a trend that spotlights bold typography in the hero section to instantly engage users. 

This design shift moves away from traditional background images, focusing instead on impactful, large-scale typography to directly and effectively communicate key messages or branding. 

This larger movement towards minimalism and clarity in web design current trends prioritizes visually striking yet straightforward content delivery. 

Key aspects:

  • Large, bold text in monochrome or contrasting colors replaces images to make a strong first impression.
  • The design is not just eye-catching but also enhances website functionality with faster load times and better device compatibility.
  • Emphasizes simplicity and clarity, aligning with broader web design trends.

Examples: Illustrated Creative Studio and Noow.

Hero UI Illustrated
Hero UI Illustrated

Custom fonts

In 2024, using bold and custom typography in product websites means creating a strong visual impact while ensuring readability and accessibility. 

This trend involves employing large, impactful fonts to grab attention, establish visual hierarchy, and express brand personality, catering especially to mobile users where larger typefaces enhance readability on smaller screens. 

Key aspects of this trend:

  • Balance in expressive typography. Designers are blending unique, inventive fonts with user needs and brand identity, ensuring none of these elements overpower the others.
  • Mobile device compatibility. Large, bold typefaces are chosen for their effectiveness on smaller screens.
  • Integration with minimalist design. Typography becomes a focal point, complementing minimalist aesthetics.

Example: Quelia Typeface and Blend | Fruity Hard Seltzer.

Quelia Typeface
Quelia Typeface

Informative videos

In 2024, the trend of integrating informative videos into product websites is thriving. These videos, answering common queries, establish brands as trustworthy experts in their fields. 

Key trends:

  • Short-form videos. Brief, mobile-friendly videos like Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts effectively convey messages, keeping viewers engaged with succinct content.
  • AI-generated video content. AI aids in efficient video production, from scripting to editing.
  • Virtual and augmented reality. These technologies create immersive video experiences, offering novel engagement methods.
  • Smartphone studios. Brands are using advanced smartphone cameras for cost-effective, high-quality video production.
  • User-generated content. Offers authentic testimonials and boosts trust and engagement with potential customers.
  • Silent scrolling optimization. Videos are crafted for silent viewing, with captions and visual storytelling, accommodating silent watchers and those with hearing impairments.

Example: Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaign.

Want to have an efficient, business-oriented design?

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To sum it up, 2024 design trends mark another interesting shift in product website design. By adding AI, 3D interactivity, and custom fonts, designers are creating even more immersive experiences that are both intuitive and memorable. 

Next year is not just about visual appeal; it's about building a digital environment that speaks directly to users' preferences and emotions. The integration of retro designs adds a touch of nostalgia, bridging past and present. 

As we adapt to these trends, we're not just following best practices; we're setting new standards in web design.

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CEO and Founder of Merge

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

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