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What is Webflow used for?

This platform has become a favorite amongst tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. Why? Because it brings a fusion of design and development in one cohesive package.

26 September, 2023
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Remember the times when building a website felt like assembling a puzzle? Enter Webflow. It promises not just a complete set but also a prettier picture.

This platform has become a favorite amongst tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. Why? Because it brings a fusion of design and development in one cohesive package.

Curious about how Webflow is being used and what it can offer you? Then, buckle up and let Merge guide you.

What is Webflow?

Picture this: You're crafting a model airplane, and instead of manually cutting, coloring, and joining each piece, you've got a magic box that instantly visualizes your ideas. Webflow is just that but for websites.

It's a design tool, but it's also so much more. With Webflow, you can design, develop, and launch websites visually without getting tangled up in the intricacies of coding.

If you've ever tried building a website, you know there's a jigsaw puzzle of HTML (the skeleton), CSS (the style), and JavaScript (the movements).

Traditionally, you'd need to learn these coding languages or hire someone who does. But Webflow turns this process on its head. You design your site using a user-friendly interface, and as you do, Webflow writes the code for you.

However, the Webflow development agency knows it isn't just about ditching the code. It's about redefining the entire process of web creation, placing power directly in the hands of creators.

This democratization means you're not just bound by templates; you can craft custom animations, interactions, and responsive designs tailored precisely to your vision.


Use cases for Webflow

Webflow isn't just a one-trick pony. Dive in as we navigate its various use cases, showing how it's being harnessed across different sectors and purposes. The business benefits companies can achieve using Webflow are truly diverse and cater to a wide range of needs.

Webflow for web apps

Web apps require sleek designs, interactive elements, and responsive layouts, right? Well, instead of traditional coding and manual adjustments, Webflow lets designers craft intuitive interfaces with a visual canvas.

Web apps benefit the most from Webflow’s CSS grid and flexbox capabilities. Whether it's an interactive dashboard, a data visualization tool, or a productivity app, Webflow allows for direct control over CSS grid properties, allowing the creation of intricate and responsive layouts.

Coupled with Webflow’s JavaScript triggers, interactive elements can be introduced without manual coding. Through Webflow’s API, there's potential for data fetch and push, ensuring real-time app responsiveness. It makes it easier to incorporate functionality like user authentication, database interactions, and more.

Webflow for SaaS products

SaaS demands aesthetics, usability, and scalability. Webflow steps in with its ability to create tailored user experiences for SaaS platforms. Here’s how:

  • With its CMS capabilities, companies can regularly update their content, showcase product features with interactive designs, and even create unique landing pages for marketing campaigns.
  • Webflow’s responsive grid system ensures your SaaS platform looks impeccable on all devices.
  • With Webflow's custom built-in elements, embedding third-party tools, like CRM, customer support, or analytics, becomes much more seamless.
  • Additionally, the platform's hosting is SSL-certified, ensuring encrypted data transfers for user-centric SaaS products.

Is your website still on WordPress?

That's so last century. Let's bring it to Webflow finally.

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Webflow for startups

"A startup is a company working to solve a problem where the solution is not obvious, and success is not guaranteed."
Neil Blumenthal

Startups often work on tight budgets and even tighter timelines. Webflow allows them to quickly prototype their website, test different layouts, and iterate on feedback without diving into tedious coding cycles.

For example, Zapier integrations in Webflow allow startups to automate workflows, bridging the gap between their site and other tools like CRM systems. With Webflow’s symbol feature, recurring elements (like navbars) remain consistent across pages, ensuring uniform branding. And don't forget the built-in SEO tools, making it easier for startups to rank and be discovered.

From MVPs to full-blown company sites, Webflow provides the agility startups crave. And, as the startup grows, Webflow scales alongside, handling increased traffic and content needs. No need for a complete overhaul as you pivot or expand.

Webflow for e-commerce

Shopping online should be delightful, not drab. Webflow's e-commerce capabilities ensure just that. It allows businesses to create custom product grids, intricate animations for promotions, and an intuitive checkout process. Every element, from the shopping cart to product filters, can be visually designed.

For example, Webflow provides Stripe integration for secure payments. Its native CMS supports SKU management, product variations, and even customizable email receipts. Webflow’s three-step checkout and automatic tax calculation improve user experience, while the ability to customize the shopping cart ensures brand consistency.

Webflow for community and membership sites

Community spaces should feel welcoming. Webflow offers tools to design membership sites with personalized user dashboards, interactive forums, and bespoke content areas.

Webflow’s integration with Memberstack or similar tools facilitates the creation of gated content and user authentication. User-specific dashboards can be designed using conditional visibility features, displaying content based on user roles or membership tiers. And with Webflow’s CMS, dynamic lists (like forum threads) auto-update in real time.

So, whether it's a fitness community with workout plans or a writers' hub showcasing their pieces, Webflow makes these spaces vibrant, interactive, and easy to navigate.

Webflow for educational sites

Educational sites demand clarity, interactivity, and loads of content management. Webflow, with its robust CMS, lets educators and institutions easily design curriculum pages, interactive quizzes, and even multimedia libraries. For example:

  • Using Webflow's Lottie integration, educational sites can incorporate micro-animations, improving user engagement.
  • Multi-reference fields in the CMS allow course modules to be associated with multiple categories or instructors.
  • Embedded tools like Typeform can facilitate quizzes, while Zapier integrations can automate certificate issuance post-course completion.

Webflow for nonprofits

For nonprofits, the mission is paramount. Webflow ensures that their stories resonate. Whether it’s creating compelling visuals for donation drives, interactive timelines of their impact, or galleries showcasing fieldwork, Webflow's visual design approach is a game-changer.

Through Webflow’s custom code embeds, integrating third-party donation platforms like Donorbox becomes streamlined. The native CMS lets nonprofits display dynamic lists of sponsors or donors. And the interactions 2.0 feature allows for scroll-triggered animations, ideal for visual storytelling of a nonprofit's impact over time.

Webflow for one-page websites

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Leonardo da Vinci, definitely highlighting the power of a succinct and practical one-page website.

One-page websites are like the espresso shots of the digital world – concise yet potent. Webflow is adept at crafting these as well. Whether it's a personal portfolio, an event landing page, or a product teaser, Webflow offers the tools to make every scroll a narrative journey.

For example, one-page sites can utilize Webflow's parallax scrolling effects for depth and engagement. Custom code injections allow for specific animations or third-party tool integrations, even in a limited web space. Using Webflow’s CMS collections, dynamic sections (like testimonials or portfolio pieces) can be updated without restructuring the entire page.


Creating web products with Webflow

So, you've now learned about Webflow's capabilities for different types of products, but how does it really help in bearing your web vision?

Design and development features of Webflow
Design and development features of Webflow

Web design features

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
Steve Jobs

In essence, Webflow's design features bridge the gap between visual design and code. Its toolbox offers both simplicity for beginners and depth for seasoned designers:

  1. Visual CSS designer. Unlike traditional platforms where you write code, Webflow provides a visual interface to style elements. Want to change the padding? Simply adjust the sliders or type in a number. It's as intuitive as design software but outputs clean, production-ready code behind the scenes.
  2. Grid and flexbox layouts. Gone are the days when designers are restricted to boxy layouts. With Webflow’s native Grid and Flexbox integration, crafting modern, responsive designs is a breeze. By clicking the layout icons and adjusting settings, you can arrange content in visually exciting and dynamic ways.
  3. Interactions and animations. Give life to your design! Using Webflow's Interactions panel, you can animate elements based on scroll, hover, or click events. Choose from presets or create custom animations by adjusting properties like opacity, scale, or rotation.
  4. Symbols. Consistency is key. Symbols let you create reusable components. Design an element once, like a header, turn it into a symbol, and it can be reused across pages. Update it in one place, and changes propagate everywhere.
  5. Typography and color controls. Webflow offers granular control over typography settings – from line height to font pairing. The Color panel provides swatches and gradients and lets you easily adjust transparency.
  6. Rich media integration. Embed videos, maps, and other media directly into your design. Simply drag the respective elements onto the canvas and input the source link.
  7. Responsive design. Webflow's Designer has breakpoints for various devices. Selecting a breakpoint lets you adjust and preview designs for desktop, tablet, or mobile views.
  8. Custom code. Need something outside of the visual designer? Webflow supports custom code embeds, granting the flexibility to further enhance design.

Web development features

Webflow's development features combine the power of traditional coding with visual interfaces, bridging the gap between designers and developers.

  1. Built-in CMS. Webflow isn’t just a design tool. It has a fully integrated Content Management System. To use it, define your content structure with custom fields and then bind these fields to your design. This enables dynamic content generation based on structured data, like blog posts or product listings.
  2. E-commerce integration. Launch online stores without external tools. From product management, cart functionality, to checkout processes, Webflow handles it all. Set product variants, pricing, and even customize the checkout experience right within the platform.
  3. Webflow interactions. Beyond design animations, Webflow Interactions plays a pivotal role in development. Triggers and animations can be set based on user actions, transforming static designs into interactive experiences.
  4. Hosting and deployment. With Webflow, hosting isn't a separate ordeal. The platform offers fast, secure, and scalable hosting. Once your design is ready, simply set your custom domain and click ‘Publish.’ SSL certification is included, ensuring your site is secure.
  5. Custom code. For advanced functionalities, Webflow provides areas to inject custom JavaScript, HTML, or CSS. This offers developers a playground to further tweak or integrate third-party tools.
  6. SEO controls. Webflow has built-in SEO tools. Set meta titles, descriptions, or even add custom schema markup. The platform also ensures your design is SEO-friendly from a coding perspective.
  7. Form builder. Need user input? Webflow's form builder is integrated and customizable. Design your form visually, then capture submissions directly or integrate with tools like Zapier.
  8. Multi-device preview. Development isn’t just about desktop views. Webflow provides a multi-device preview, allowing you to test responsiveness and functionality across different device breakpoints.

Is your website still on WordPress?

That's so last century. Let's bring it to Webflow finally.

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Unlock your web potential with Webflow

To sum it all up, Webflow is a game-changer for making websites. It combines design and coding in one tool, making it easier for everyone. There are many applications for Webflow that span a variety of needs.

Whether starting a new project or just sharing an idea, Webflow has your back. It’s the same whether you're launching a startup, crafting an e-commerce store, or sharing a personal story…

By the way, Merge has been using Webflow for quite some time and can attest to its effectiveness. It gives us the ability to rapidly prototype, iterate on designs, and deploy responsive websites without the typical constraints of traditional web development tools.

With Webflow, we streamline the web development process, allowing our clients to get to market faster and with a more robust online presence.
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Design packages for your startup

Ideal for early-stage product UIs and websites.

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CEO and Founder of Merge

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

My mission is to help startups build software, experiment with new features, and bring their product vision to life.

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