Design improvements: product metrics

Design improvements: product metrics

Let’s first enhance your product's success through thoughtful UI/UX design. This chapter will show you straightforward strategies that elevate user experience and directly impact your product's performance. All we’re doing now is making your product more intuitive and engaging.

How to use UI/UX design to enhance product metrics

Enhancing your product's UI/UX design can significantly impact key performance indicators such as churn or retention rates.

Simplifying user flows and optimizing onboarding can reduce user churn by making the initial experience more welcoming and less overwhelming. You’ll get better retention rates as users understand and enjoy your product from their first interaction.

Tip: There's also a certain 'negative' aspect to onboarding. Elisabeth Hyliuk, our Head of Design at Merge, recommends there should always be an option to skip it if the user can perform actions in the app without filling out information. Often, people download/install apps but want to customize (complete the onboarding) later. If there isn't an option to skip, it can be very frustrating.

A responsive and visually appealing design can also significantly lower bounce rates and increase user satisfaction. Make the interface more engaging, and users will be more likely to explore further, increasing conversion rates and CTR across the journey from demo to paid user.

By focusing on user journey optimization, you can make it easier for users to navigate from interest to action, be it signing up, making a purchase, or upgrading their subscription. Use this targeted approach to address low conversion rates by removing barriers and enhancing the overall user experience.

Design that emphasizes ease of use and continuous value encourages users to stay longer and interact more. Focus on creating pleasurable and meaningful interactions, and your product becomes a preferred solution, naturally decreasing churn and fostering a loyal user base.

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Examples of design tweaks that positively impact product metrics:

User engagement

Tweak: Simplifying the user interface to make key features more prominent and accessible.

Impact: Enhances usability and encourages users to explore and use more features, increasing time spent on the app.

Customer satisfaction and net promoter score

Tweak: Improving the aesthetic appeal and usability of the product.

Impact: A visually appealing and user-friendly design can lead to higher customer satisfaction, and satisfied users are more likely to recommend the product.

Conversion rates

Tweak: Streamlining the checkout process in an e-commerce app, reducing the number of steps to purchase.

Impact: A smoother checkout experience can reduce cart abandonment and increase the likelihood of completing a purchase.

Retention rate

Tweak: Personalizing the user experience, like customizing the dashboard based on user preferences.

Impact: Personalization makes users feel valued and understood, increasing the likelihood they will return.

Decreased support costs

Tweak: Including clear, intuitive instructions and help tips within the product.

Impact: Reduces confusion and the need for external support, lowering support costs.

Market share and brand perception

Tweak: Developing a unique and memorable visual identity that stands out.

Impact: A distinctive design can improve brand recognition and perception, potentially increasing market share.

Revenue growth

Tweak: Adding upsell opportunities in the product design, like suggesting premium features at relevant moments.

Impact: Timely suggestions for additional purchases or upgrades can lead to increased revenue.

Load time and performance metrics

Tweak: Optimizing images and streamlining code to improve load times.

Impact: Faster load times enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates.

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Real-life examples:

  • Slack improved user engagement by simplifying its user interface, particularly in the onboarding process. This approach makes the service layout clear without overwhelming new users.

  • Lox had a significant 90% decrease in churn rate thanks to the redesign and development efforts that prioritized user experience, incorporating AI algorithms and intuitive design to simplify logistics and shipping efficiency.

Lox's redesign led to churn rate decrease
Lox's redesign led to churn rate decrease
  • Amazon and ASOS enhanced their conversion rates with streamlined checkout designs. Amazon's "Buy Now with 1-Click" and ASOS's "Pay in 4" and "Try Before You Buy" features simplify the purchasing process and encourage impulse buys.

  • Amazon also uses personalized design by showing recommended products based on a user's search and browsing history. This personalized approach increases sales and user retention.

  • WeFight experienced significant improvements in user engagement and conversion rates thanks to a partial website redesign, optimizing web pages, and introducing a disease-related quiz feature as a lead magnet. This innovative approach, coupled with fitted content and user-centric design, effectively transformed the website into a client conversion tool.

WeFight redesign led to conversion increase
WeFight redesign led to conversion increase
  • Salesforce uses an upselling strategy on their pricing page by labeling their Enterprise plan as "Most Popular," which guides customers toward a higher-priced plan that's perceived as more valuable.

  • CoinLedger, a cryptocurrency tax calculation software, saw a 28% drop in support tickets and doubled their conversion rate thanks to their collaboration with Merge to enhance the software's user experience and design.

CoinLedger redesign led to 2x conversion increase
CoinLedger redesign led to 2x conversion increase

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How to simplify navigation and optimize usability to enhance user experience and reduce churn rate

To simplify navigation and optimize usability for enhancing user experience and reducing churn rate, you can consider the following conventional and non-conventional tips and techniques.

Conventional techniques:

  1. Use descriptive navigation labels. Specific labels improve search engine rankings and usability. For example, instead of "What we do", use "Brand Storytelling" or "Digital Marketing Solutions".
  2. Include a call to action in the header. A clear, action-oriented button like "Get Started" or "Contact Us" can effectively guide users.
  3. Group items for navigation. Organizing more than seven items into categories or similar groups can simplify the user experience.
  4. Optimize page speed. Ensure your site loads quickly to reduce bounce rates. Prioritize the loading of important elements and compress images.
  5. Responsive and mobile-friendly design. With increasing mobile usage, it's essential to have a website that adapts to different screen sizes.

Non-conventional techniques:

  1. Avoid small dropdown menus. Instead, use “mega menus” with many options, acting like a mini-sitemap for better user navigation.
  2. Be mindful of navigation order. Arrange items strategically, considering the primacy and recency effect to maximize impact.
  3. Utilize white space wisely. Balanced use of white space can enhance focus and readability without overwhelming the page.
  4. Attractive CTAs. Employ color psychology and concise, action-oriented language to make your call-to-action buttons stand out.
  5. Catch and manage 404s. Regularly check and fix 404 errors, ensuring that your 404 pages redirect users back to relevant content or the home page.

Speaking of responsive and mobile-friendly design from conventional techniques - mobile optimization is actually very important so how about we talk about it some more? And if you want an example of a responsive design - look no further than this case study.

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Tips and techniques for mobile design optimization

Mobile design optimization should be one of your top priorities in a world increasingly dominated by mobile devices. A well-designed mobile interface can significantly enhance user experience and accessibility, directly impacting satisfaction and retention.

Invisibly mobile optimization
Invisibly mobile optimization

Accessibility considerations. Making your mobile design accessible isn't just about inclusivity; it's about reaching a wider audience effectively. Ensure optimized color contrast and large tap targets to accommodate users with visual impairments. Accessibility features are not just an add-on but integral to user-friendly design.

Effective tap target design. A key element of mobile UX is designing tap targets that are large enough (typically 44px² to 48px²) and spaced well to prevent accidental taps. Large, well-spaced tap targets make interaction easy and reduce user frustration, leading to a smoother experience.

Leverage device hardware. Modern smartphones are equipped with a variety of sensors and capabilities. Designing with these features in mind, like using GPS for location-based services or cameras for scanning documents, can create a more intuitive and efficient user experience. For instance, auto-filling addresses using GPS or allowing users to scan their credit cards using the camera simplifies processes and enhances user satisfaction.

Usability testing with mobile prototypes. Before finalizing the design, conduct thorough usability testing with real users on mobile prototypes. This helps in identifying and rectifying any navigational issues, unclear interactions, or other usability hurdles. Clickability tests and user feedback are invaluable in refining the mobile experience to ensure it's both intuitive and effective.

Pinning the navigation menu to the bottom. With larger screens becoming the norm, reaching the top of the screen can be a stretch. Positioning the navigation menu at the bottom of the screen makes it more accessible, aligning with the natural thumb movement and enhancing navigational ease.

Interactive maps for content browsing. Utilizing interactive maps for navigation allows users to explore content in a more dynamic and engaging way. These can be particularly effective for applications like shopping or location-based services, where users can intuitively scroll through options.

Diagonal UI pattern for binary options. This innovative design approach involves dividing the screen diagonally for binary choices, making it easier for users to make selections with their thumbs. The 'Vice versa' pattern is especially effective on smaller screens where reaching across can be cumbersome.

Gamification to enhance user engagement. Incorporating elements of gamification can significantly enhance the user experience by making waiting times or complex processes more enjoyable. Whether it's through interactive elements or simple games, gamification strategies can improve user engagement and perception of your app.

Adaptable motion design. With an increasing focus on personalization and user comfort, implementing motion design that is adaptable is key. Users should be able to adjust or turn off animations, especially those who prefer or require reduced motion settings. Adapting motion design to user preferences ensures a comfortable and personalized experience.

What specific product metrics can be improved by mobile optimization?

Improving these aspects of mobile design can positively impact several product metrics, for example:

  • User engagement
    • by making the app more intuitive and enjoyable to use.
  • User satisfaction and NPS
    • enhanced design often leads to higher satisfaction rates.
  • Conversion rates
    • easier navigation can streamline the user journey and lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Retention rates
    • if an app is easy and pleasant to use, users are more likely to continue using it.
  • Load time and performance metrics
    • optimizing design for mobile can improve load times and overall app performance.

It’s not just the design that does it! How about product development and content?

Let’s start with development tips. Improving product development can enhance several key product metrics.

Time to market.

Streamlining the development process can reduce the time to launch a product, enhancing competitiveness.

What to do: Implement agile development methodologies to speed up the product development cycle.

Product quality.

A refined development process can lead to higher-quality products with fewer defects.

What to do: Incorporate thorough testing phases and quality assurance practices during development.

Customer satisfaction.

Quality improvements often result in increased customer satisfaction.

What to do: Include features based on customer feedback and usability studies in the development process.

Return on investment.

Faster and more efficient development can reduce costs, improving ROI.

What to do: Streamline processes to reduce waste and optimize resource use, lowering development costs.

User adoption.

Better quality and more relevant features can increase user adoption rates.

What to do: Develop user-friendly interfaces and intuitive functionalities that cater to a broader audience.

Market share.

Improved products can capture a larger market share by meeting customer needs more effectively.

What to do: Regularly update the product with new features or improvements.

Now, the content. Here’s how our main metrics from before can be influenced by making upgrades to your product content:

User engagement

  • Adding interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or interactive infographics.
  • Incorporating videos or animations that explain product features or offer tutorials.
  • Updating content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant.

Customer satisfaction and net promoter score

  • Providing clear, detailed product descriptions and guides.
  • Offering helpful and accurate FAQs and troubleshooting content.
  • Ensuring content tone is friendly and empathetic to user needs.

Conversion rate

  • Using persuasive and clear call-to-action (CTA) statements.
  • Highlighting product benefits and unique selling points.
  • Creating landing pages tailored to different user segments.

Retention rate

  • Offering valuable content like tips, best practices, or industry insights.
  • Sending personalized content or recommendations based on user behavior.
  • Creating a content series or regular updates that encourage return visits.

Churn rate

  • Providing educational content that helps users get the most out of the product.
  • Sharing success stories or case studies to show the product’s value.
  • Regularly updating users about new features and improvements.

Bounce rate

  • Ensuring web pages load quickly and are visually appealing.
  • Making navigation intuitive and content easily scannable.
  • Offering related content suggestions to keep users on the site.

Customer acquisition cost

  • Optimizing content for targeted keywords to attract organic traffic.
  • Creating lead magnets like ebooks or webinars to capture leads.
  • Using A/B testing on content to identify what resonates best with the target audience.

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Here are some real-life examples of content tweaks and upgrades that have improved various product metrics.

Airbnb significantly increased user engagement by implementing an interactive map feature. This allowed users to not only see the location of accommodations but also explore nearby amenities. Such interactive elements made the platform much more engaging and user-friendly, addressing the pain point of user retention by enriching the browsing experience. This visualization tool helped users make informed decisions, leading to increased satisfaction and reduced churn rates. took customer satisfaction to new heights with interactive surveys and polls. Specifically, restaurants could determine customers' favorite dishes and adjust their offerings accordingly. This engagement strategy is directly aligned with reducing churn rates and increasing conversion rates by making users feel heard and valued, personalizing the marketing approach to meet customer needs more effectively. addressed the pain point of conversion by letting customers interact with products through 3D visualizations and an interactive sizing guide. This not only made shopping more engaging but also reduced the uncertainty associated with online purchases. By improving the user's ability to make confident decisions, Zappos effectively increased customer satisfaction and engagement, leading to better conversion rates.

Duolingo tackled the challenge of user retention head-on by personalizing user experiences. Through dynamic content and event-driven automation, they adapted the onboarding and learning journey for each user. This adaptability and personalization addressed users' unique needs and learning styles, significantly improving retention rates.